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Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Manual

Added by Hans Estrin • Last updated July 3, 2024
Author: Produce Safety Alliance
Type: Produce Safety Rule – FSMA compliance; Planning & Verification Programs – CAPS & GAPS; People & Services
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Worker Health, Hygiene & Training; Soil Amendments (Compost & Manure); Wild/Domestic Animals & Land Use; Agricultural Water (Pre/Post Harvest); Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This is the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Manual, which is available for public use. The date after the tab name indicates the upload date. As revisions are made the dates will be updated to reflect a revised upload.

Community Accreditation for Produce Safety (CAPS)

Added by Hans Estrin • Last updated October 24, 2022
Author: Hans Estrin
Type: Planning & Verification Programs – CAPS & GAPS
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Worker Health, Hygiene & Training; Soil Amendments (Compost & Manure); Wild/Domestic Animals & Land Use; Agricultural Water (Pre/Post Harvest); Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

Community Accreditation for Produce Safety (CAPS) is a program of the Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Association (VVBGA). CAPS is a voluntary, practical approach to documenting the use of practices that reduce food safety risks on farms that grow fresh produce. The CAPS advisory board of farmers and service providers has identified 18 practices that are required for accreditation. CAPS uses...

Practical Produce Safety Manual: Maximizing Quality, Profitability and Safety on Vermont Produce Farms

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated February 5, 2019
Author: Lynn Blevins, Ginger Nickerson, and Hans Estrin
Type: Fact Sheets
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Worker Health, Hygiene & Training; Soil Amendments (Compost & Manure); Wild/Domestic Animals & Land Use; Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates

Practical Produce Safety (PPS) is a cost-effective strategy for growers to implement food safety practices that minimize risk while maximizing produce quality and farm profitability. UVM Extension’s Practical Produce Safety Curriculum and these materials were designed specifically for small produce farms that primarily direct market their produce through CSA’s, farm stands, farmers markets, or...