Vermont Produce Program - Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets

Added by Kristina Sweet • Last updated August 8, 2022
Type: Fact Sheets, Photos & Videos, Produce Safety Rule – FSMA compliance, Produce Safety Grant Opportunities, People & Services
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction, Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates

Access the Vermont Produce Program to understand your farm’s requirements under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, learn about Produce Safety Improvement Grants, or schedule an On-Farm Readiness Review.



FDA's website on FSMA
Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated May 1, 2019
Type: Produce Safety Rule – FSMA compliance
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates
Community Accreditation for Produce Safety (CAPS)
Added by Hans Estrin • Last updated October 24, 2022
Author: Hans Estrin
Type: Planning & Verification Programs – CAPS & GAPS
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Worker Health, Hygiene & Training; Soil Amendments (Compost & Manure); Wild/Domestic Animals & Land Use; Agricultural Water (Pre/Post Harvest); Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration