Green plants in a garden

Our program supports the following types of volunteerism: 

  • On-going "approved projects" -- these are projects proposed and run by a Certified Master Gardener or Composter who serves as the site's project leader/volunteer organizer. They require a project application that must receive final approval by the State Coordinator before implementing.
  • "One-Time" volunteer opportunities -- these are requests for EMG help to deliver presentations, consultations and tabling that come directly from the community through nonprofit partners around the state. Typically, a partner organization is looking for a volunteer to help with a "one-time" educational activity and submits their request at:
  • "Approved activities" are those that either do not require prior approval (these include supporting Chapter activities and Ask-an-EMG/VMC tabling) or those activities for which volunteers have received advanced approval from the State Coordinator. Contact Deb for more information.


Volunteer Projects & Opportunities

This section is provided as guidance for Certified EMG or Composter Volunteers working on approved projects and opportunities. If you have questions about the program structure or how to submit your volunteer hours, please see the Volunteer Portal.

Finding an Approved Volunteer Project

Looking for a volunteer project to get involved with?

For a list of all Master Gardener and Master Composter projects, please visit our Volunteer Projects page:

Note to Project Leaders: Please contact Deb Heleba with any changes to your project. Thank you!


Project Focus Areas

The following focus areas determine the projects that will be considered for approval. The overarching goal is to educate Vermonters. Please review these focus areas if you are starting a new on-going project to make sure your project is aligned with at least one of these goals.

  • Gardening How-Tos, including integrated pest management techniques.
  • Habitats for pollinators and other beneficial insects
  • Growing local food and supporting food security
  • Invasive species management and native species conservation and restoration
  • Resilient landscapes adapted to our changing climate
  • Healthy soils that support a diversity of soil life and wise use of soil amendments
  • Backyard and community composting using food scraps & yard wastes
  • Citizen/community science (including variety trials and other investigations)
  • Gardening practices that provide mental health and wellness (therapeutic horticulture)

Quick List of Eligible and Ineligible Volunteer Activities

Since the mission of the UVM Extension Master Gardener and Composter Programs is to provide science-based education to Vermonters, here is a list of activities that are eligible and ineligible for volunteer hours. See our policies for more information. As always, if you are unsure if a certain activity will qualify for hours, please check with staff BEFORE volunteering. Activities not listed below that did not receive prior approval are subject to be removed from your balance of volunteer hours.

Eligible Activities

  • Volunteering at Approved "On-Going" Extension Master Gardener and Composter projects, listed at:
  • Volunteering at "One-Time" volunteer opportunities you learn about through the listserv.
  • Tabling or setting up / staffing exhibits at public events or places.
  • Giving a presentation, workshop, webinar or conducting other educational activity on a gardening topic to a community group (school, library, garden club, conservation commission, etc.). 
  • Staffing the Helpline.
  • Writing an article, press release, social media posts (for a Chapter or the main office), etc. for the general public.
  • Serving on a Chapter steering committee and/or supporting Chapter activities.
  • Serving on the EMG program advisory committee.
  • Conducting citizen science you learn about through the listserv.
  • Other activities that receive prior approval from the main office.

Ineligible Activities

If the activity you wish to pursue for volunteer hours is NOT listed above, please check in with the main office BEFORE pursuing it to make sure it qualifies for volunteer hours. In general, activities not eligible for volunteer hours include the following.

  • Garden maintenance. Volunteers may gain volunteer hours for maintaining ONLY approved EMG/VMC demonstration gardens.
  • Volunteering outside Vermont.
  • Volunteering on private property for private benefit, i.e. "house calls".
  • Volunteering for other organization’s fundraising efforts.
  • Submitting volunteer hours for time at work; those hours under employment do not count as volunteer hours.
  • Any activities that involve marijuana.
  • Non-gardening activities (except Chapter work outlined above). 

Organizing an "Ask A Master Gardener or Composter" Info Table


  • Promote EMG/MC program and services
  • Educate the public on garden matters

Table facilitators can be Certified or Intern EMGs/MCs

Up to 30 days before the event:

Contact the event coordinator (farmer’s market, fair, festival, etc.)

Ask if space is available for table and if EMG/MC would be welcome. Explain how you will have volunteers staffing the table during the event and confirm that this will be acceptable.

Ask if there is any fee for use of the space at the event. Individual chapters decide if they can or will pay fees to set up at events. VT EMG is a non-profit organization which may be exempt from fees.

Ask if a table and seats will be provided or if you will be required to provide them.

Ask when you can set up the table and when you can break down the table. Check how close you can park to load and unload and where you will have to park during the event.

Reserve display materials:

Contact your Chapter Steering Team (email list available on the website) to find out who is responsible for storing/managing the chapter display materials.

Make sure that the materials will be available for your event and reserve them.

Arrange dates to pick up and return the supplies.

Each chapter has EMG Program Guides, EMG banner (weatherproof, 5 foot long), a tri-fold display board (indoor use only), book order forms for “Landscape Plants for Vermont”, Other materials are often in supply as well.

Every table event must include EMG Program Guide brochures. Contact the EMG office at (802) 656-9562 if you need more brochures.

Enlist EMG/MC volunteers to work the table:

Plan on at least two EMG volunteers to staff the table at any one time. This is an excellent opportunity to pair Interns with Certified members if possible.

It is highly advisable that as table organizer you are present throughout the entire event so that you can be certain the volunteers arrive and you can get them started on their duties. If you have intern volunteers you need to be sure they know the expectations. They will appreciate your support!

If the table event is more than 2-3 hours long, it is advisable to divide volunteers into shifts. For example, an event that runs from 10am-4pm could have shifts of 10am-12noon, 12noon-2pm, and 2-4pm.  Multiple shifts provide more volunteer opportunities and can more easily adapt if a volunteer does not show up for a shift. An ambitious EMG/MC can always volunteer for more than one shift.

Use the Chapter Listserv to send out a ‘call for volunteers’

Enter the event on your Chapter’s Google Calendar.

Outline the event details (where, when, shifts, volunteer expectations)

Schedule volunteers for shifts on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis as they respond. You may have to negotiate with volunteers and/or send out another email to fill certain shifts.

Confirm the volunteer schedule with those who volunteered.

Example Email 
Subject: Re: EMG/MC Table Volunteer Opportunity, May 21st Bloomtime Festival
Thanks! You are signed up for your requested shift. The EMG schedule is attached (or listed below). I will have a little more information for you one week prior to this event.

When you reach volunteer capacity; send out an “All shifts are full” email to the Chapter.

One week (or less) before the event:

Prepare Table Materials

Pick up table display materials as arranged when they were reserved.

Inspect the display materials to make sure everything is included.

Email a reminder to your volunteer staff. Provide info. on admittance, parking, table topics, etc.

Day of the Event

Show up ½-1 hour early to check in, locate tablespace, and set up display.

Give each shift of volunteers a rundown of table materials and protocol.

As table organizer, you do not have to be at the table the entire time, just at shift change.

Speak with a few ‘customers’ as an example of protocol then give them an opportunity to do so with you around as a backup. Be certain volunteers are comfortable before you take a break.

HAVE FUN! Tables are a great way to interact with the public and visit an event (sometimes without having to pay admission). The idea is not for anyone to be tied to the table for the entire time or be overly uncomfortable. Make sure everyone gets a chance to walk around.

Don’t be afraid to ask volunteers to help break down the display and carry it to your vehicle.

After the Event

Return the table display materials as arranged when they were reserved.

Make sure that you thank your volunteers! (A lot)

Volunteering at an Ask-A-Master Gardener Table

Please, do not be a no show! This is particularly important in the case where a new intern is volunteering for the first time and needs the support of a veteran volunteer. If you are not able to volunteer for a shift that you signed up for, please contact the table organizer as soon as possible. 

Answering Questions

Answers to garden questions must be based on scientifically proven facts. Home remedies or guesswork are not allowed!

Erroneous information will damage the reputation of EMG! Don't be afraid to say “I don’t know the answer to that question, but I am sure one of our trained helpline volunteers can help you.”  Refer them to the Ask an Expert online form located on our website @  . They can submit their question(s) and clear images directly to the trained helpline volunteers. If they do not have access to a computer or the internet, you can refer them to the helpline directly @ 802-656-5421 . Always provide them with a program magnet or brochure that lists our website and helpline phone number. Please watch this video series provided by the Colorado Master Gardener Program for excellent tips on staffing an Extension Master Gardener booth. Another short video provided by the Alabama Master Gardener Association with excellent tips on answering questions on the phone, at fairs and festivals, speaking to groups, participating in display gardens and other projects as needed in their service area.

General Do's and Don'ts

  • DO wear EMG/MC badges
  • DO stand to talk to folks
  • DO smile and be personable
  • DO NOT wear sunglasses
  • DO NOT eat at the table (water is fine)
  • DO NOT make personal cell phone calls at the table

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the handouts located on your table, and replenish the supply as it gets low.

Facilitating an EMG/VMC Event for a Chapter or Project

This information provides guidance on developing an specific event for an EMG/VMC Chapter or project. Chapters typically predetermine specific events for the year at an annual planning meeting. This guidance may also be helpful to project leaders as they offer educational events at their projects.

What Needs to Be Done Right Away

  1. Determine cost, including speaker stipend, materials, space, food, etc. If it is a Chapter event, get financial approval from the Chair/steering committee BEFORE planning the event. If it is an event at an approved EMG/VMC project, determine whether the project host site or Chapter will support the event expenses BEFORE offering the event. If the event is a request from a partnering organization, it is expected that they will cover the program costs.
  2. Determine your volunteer needs. List the roles and responsibilities, and estimate the time each role will to take. Volunteer hours earned = meeting time + preparation time.
  3. Once approved / financials are finalized, secure the speaker or activity for a specific date and reserve a meeting place (if not already established).
  4. Arrange to have notes and photos taken of the event. Recruit another EMG if you prefer. Secure photo release forms, especially if the event will involve minors. 
  5. Work with speaker on exact title of presentation and event description. Outlined event details: What? Where? When? How (to participate)? Why (purpose and anticipated outcomes)? 
  6. Publicize event to your chapter, other volunteers as well as the general public when appropriate. 
  7. Plan for refreshments if needed. Ask another EMG to handle this, they will earn hours as well. (Note: some chapters do not offer refreshments.)

30-60 days prior:

Preparing for a Speaker

  1. Reconnect with presenter by phone. Confirm date, time & location. Need directions or a map? Suggest that they arrive early.
  2. Supplies required? A/V equipment, extension cord, table, podium?
  3. Request introductory bio. Prepare written the introduction.
  4. Explain the typical format & schedule of the evening; i.e.: chapter announcements first ten minutes.

NOTE: If the audience for the Chapter event is the general public (versus other volunteers) and you would like a press release to be distributed, please contact Deb Heleba who can assist you with a release.

Preparing for a Tour or Other Event

  1. Contact host(s) by phone. Introduce yourself as the facilitator for the event. Confirm date, time & location. Obtain specific directions and parking information to share with fellow EMGs.
  2. If your chapter wishes to bring refreshments; ask permission and plan how/when to serve.

10 days prior:

  1. Re-confirm with speaker or tour guide.
    Sample email: “Extension Master Gardeners are so looking forward to your presentation next Wednesday, April 16th at Kellogg Hubbard Library. We’re scheduled, to begin with, announcements at 6:30 pm and are expecting about 25 people. I will supply an extension cord and the projection screen. I understand that you are bringing your own projector and about 30 handouts. I received your bio and will introduce you – did you receive the directions to the meeting site? Please let me know if there is anything else I can do! I can be reached at work 000-0000 or home 000-0000 if anything should come up. I’ll look for you between 6 and 6:15 pm. Thank you again. Everyone is excited about Water Gardening and psyched about your presentation on the 16th! Please confirm that you have received this message. Thank you, -------.
  2. Email the listserve. 
    Use the same wording as in the calendar of events and add your own personal touch to encourage folks to come. Remind them to bring their friends if the public is invited.
    TIP: When sending email to the listserv, include event name, date and location in the subject line. Many email providers will dump your message into spam if the subject line is blank and some EMGs won’t open an email from a name they don’t recognize. Be sure to include in your message if the event is approved or not for EMG Continuing Education hours. Volunteer hours are intended for individuals planning and executing the event, not participating. 
  3. Enlist the help of a few other EMGs to help with:
    • setup, assisting the speaker and greeting people as they arrive (should arrive 45 min early).
    • note taking
    • photos

The Day of Your Event:

  1. Plan to be at the meeting site at least 45 minutes early. Do you have the key for the facility?
  2. Set up an information table with EMG brochures, speaker materials, etc. Have a sign-in or registration to track attendance. Consider having a program evaluation.
  3. Help the speaker bring in their materials. Test the equipment & assist with setup. 
  4. Greet everyone, ask them to sign in, and be sure to let participants know about the info table resources.
  5. Start promptly. Welcome everyone and tell them about the EMG or VMC program as the event host. Mention the literature available, especially if there is something new or topical (like the new class brochure). Tell them about the helpline and website that serves all VT gardeners. Let people know what the event’s format will be ...... a few announcements and then the presentation. Make your announcements. Introduce the speaker and thank them for coming.
  6. Be ready to assist with any needs during the presentation: lights or temperature that should be adjusted, pictures taken, comfort of speaker, late arrivals, etc.
  7. At the conclusion of the presentation, start the applause! Walk up front & thank the speaker, perhaps mention something excellent about the presentation. This may be the time for Q & A, take your cue from the speaker and the audience.
  8. Thank everyone for coming. Thank the speaker again. Mention the next meeting topic/speaker/date & time (you’ll want to have your chapter schedule handy). Re-emphasize any important announcements.
  9. Say goodnight to all, ask for assistance in straightening up the meeting room. Everything gets put back where you found it. Thank the speaker. Help to bring materials out to the car. Make sure that the meeting room is locked and secure.

Partnering with other Organizations (Can I request an EMG long term?)

The UVM Extension Master Gardener program works closely on many projects with schools, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. These organizations are referred to as either partners or partnering organizations.

To strengthen partnering relationships, and to comply with the volunteer requirements of Vermont Extension Master Gardener, each partner needs to complete a request form for EMG/MC volunteers for "one-time" volunteer opportunities. The request form can be found at:

Once this request is complete, it is reviewed by the state office staff. If the request meets the mission of the EMG program, it is sent out as a volunteer opportunity to the listserv. Interested EMG/VMC volunteers can respond to the state staff and then the contact information of the volunteer is provided to the partnering organization.

Can a partner request an EMG volunteer for a long-term project?

On-going or long-term EMG/MC projects may only be initiated by active, certified EMG or Composter volunteers, who may have a partner organization already lined up. These requests must be made by the certified EMG volunteer through the online member project request form.

Master Gardener Volunteers--Please do not assume that you can count as EMG/MC all the hours volunteered at other organizations. If unsure, please seek prior approval!

Serving as a Project Leader

Project Leaders coordinate approved Extension Master Gardener and Master Composter community on-going projects. You must be an active certified EMG or VMC to be a project leader. To become a Project Leader, you have either submitted a project application that has been approved or you volunteered to lead a pre-existing approved project.

All Project Leaders should understand and agree to the roles and responsibilities outlined below.

  • Ensure that the approved project fits the program's mission of educating the public and 

    supports program outreach and addresses at least one of the program's focus areas (see separate drop down). Project leaders must ensure that projects have a strong public educational focus using research-based information.

  • Project leaders should ensure that their project strengthens and/or supports the outreach efforts of the Extension Master Gardener and Composter programs.

  • Leaders should ensure that the focus of the project is NOT garden maintenance but instead any weeding, pruning, watering, etc. is considered preparation for educational activities conducted at the project.

  • Your role is a voluntary position (volunteers do not receive compensation for project work).

  • Make sure you have completed UVM Extension Community Horticulture Program Volunteer Requirements (volunteer application, Minor Protection Training and background check consent form) -- see our Youth Protection section for forms and information -- this is a requirement of the University.

  • The project shoud involve multiple EMG and/or VMC volunteers (not just project leader/you). You agree to recruit volunteers for your project via the EMG/VMC listserv(s) and train them as needed.

  • Recruit a Co-Lead if needed-- We would love to have two co-leaders to help manage project demands.
  • If minors participate in your program, you must ensure that all volunteers who are responsible for the care, custody, and control of at least one minor (as defined in UVM’s Protection of Minors Policy), have completed the Volunteer Requirements (noted above) before they volunteer with youth.
  • Organize the project (scheduling workdays, etc) with available volunteers. Make sure that volunteers know it is their responsibility to document the number of hours they volunteered.
  • All fundraising activities--including grant applications, cash donation solicitation, sales, etc.--conducted by the project (versus the host site) need prior approval from the Chapter and state coordinator BEFORE conducted. These activities have IRS and liability ramifications and need to be handled through formal channels.
  • Ensure that the project includes EMG/VMC signage that is present on the site, display EMG/MC brochures whenever possible, and properly label all plantings.
  • Know how to use our Listservs to fulfill project needs (i.e. schedule changes, activities, etc). 
  • Ensure partner information/contacts is current --maintain professional relationships with your “Partner organization” (remember, you are representing UVM and the UVM Extension Master Gardener / Master Composter program/s). Provide EMG staff with any changes in Partner contacts, and keep your partners up-to-date with any changes in your approved project and UVM EMG/MC policy changes. 
  • Know the Volunteer Portal and encourage volunteers to be familiar with it and work with the partner to meet agreed requirements.
  • Report annually - include information on your approved project in the annual volunteer hours form. We need this information to justify our approved projects, demonstrate impact, etc. 
  • Contact the State Coordinator if your project ends-You must also let the staff know if your project becomes inactive or the information on our website needs updating.

Failure to uphold these roles and responsibilities means that the project may not be able to continue and / or it may cease to be eligible for volunteer hours. 

Proposing/Starting a New Ongoing "Approved Project"

"Approved Projects" are on-going community projects that generally continue year-to-year, season-to-season and have an open invitation for all EMGs or Composters to join in the fun. An active Certifed Extension Master Gardener or certified Vermont Master Composter must serve as the project leader with the option of having a co-leader (preferred but not required). Any certified EMG/VMC may propose a new project.

Interns are encouraged to join projects already in place to not only gain experience in learning what we do and how we offer programming but also to support existing approved projects within our communities. Interns may volunteer as a co-leader but the project should be led by a certified EMG/VMC.

Preparing an Application

To propose a new project (or take over the leadership of an existing project), volunteers should complete a project application -- in 2024, the application was open from March 1 to June 30, 2024. Project applications are not accepted outside that window but you are welcome to prepare application materials for the next round.

Partner Commitment Form (must be completed in advance and submitted with the application). See 2024 form as an example at: Please wait for the 2025 form for 2025 applications. 

As a reminder, our goal is to help Vermonters with their gardening challenges, not to do the gardening for them. Our focus is educating the home gardener. We cannot support businesses or simply do garden maintenance. Many of our projects take place at schools, libraries, non-profits, or other places where the public gathers. If you volunteer for other organizations, it’s not the same as volunteering for the Extension Master Gardener program.

Before submitting your application, please review the roles and responsibilities for project leaders outlined in the "Serving as a Project Leader" tab. These will help you determine if leading a project is right for you and if the activities in which you are interested in leading would fit into an approved project format.

After you submit your application, it may take a few weeks to process the application. Please plan accordingly.

Decision Criteria

The State Coordinator, in consultation with the Chapters and/or advisory committee members, makes the decision to approve new projects based on the proposal's ability to meet the roles and responsibilities outlined above.

Volunteering During the Winter Months

The end of the growing season doesn't mean your volunteerism needs to end -- there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer during the winter months.

There are several ways you can earn volunteer hours, even over the winter. They include:

  • Write Facebook Page Postings. Reach out to the Facebook administrators in your Chapter to get connected. 
  • Help with Chapter activities -- winter is usually the time where Chapters are planning for the new year. Reach out to your Chapter Chairs to see if you can help with education programming or event planning. 
  • Offer to give a presentation at your local library, garden club, or school. There are several prepared workshops and handouts in the "Gardening Resources" section of the EMG website, or you can create your own talk on a topic that interests you. Preparation time as well as presentation time are eligible for hours reporting.
  • Write an editorial for your local paper on a science-driven sustainable garden topic.
  • Participate in a "social media takeover" of the program's FB or Instagram accounts -- contact Deb if interested.
  • Prepare a factsheet or info bulletin that volunteers can use at info tables -- contact Deb to pitch your idea.
  • Develop educational materials that you and other volunteers can use like slide sets, display items, etc. -- contact Deb to pitch your idea.
  • Other ideas -- contact Deb to confirm that your idea is eligible for volunteer hours before you begin.