Chapter Recognitions

Volunteer Chapters

There are five volunteer Extension Master Gardener/Composter Chapters in Vermont. These are independent, local volunteer-run entities, led by Extension Master Gardeners and Composters, that affiliate with the UVM Extension Community Horticulure program. 

Our Volunteer Coordinator provides support to the Chapters, however, these groups organize their activities and fundraise independently. All educational events put on by the Chapters count for volunteer continuing education hours. Volunteering on the local Chapter steering team and/or at Chapter-sponsored events can be counted towards your certification or annual volunteer hours, athough we do ask that you are mindful of spending at least 5 hours of your annual volunteer hours each year educating the public directly.

If you are interested in becoming involved in specific chapter activities and projects, please contact any of the Chapter Chairs/Co-Chairs. Volunteers are welcome to engage with any and all chapters throughout the state.


Bennington Chapter

Counties: Bennington

Bennington Facebook Page

Steering Team: (Updated 2/27/2023)

  • Heather Hamilton, Chair
  • Becky Manning, Treasurer
  • Joni Charbonneau and Irene Goyette, Social Media Administrators
  • Melissa Meola, Education Coordinator
  • Becky Manning, Newsletter
  • Dottie Sundquist, Membership Coordinator
  • Megan Herrington, Hospitality

Meeting Minutes:


Central/NEK Chapter

Counties: Lamoille, Orange, Washington, Essex, Caledonia, Orleans

Central Facebook Page

Steering Team: (Updated 10/24/22)

  • Sue Lucas, Chair
  • Gerald Leonard, Treasurer

Chapter Meeting Minutes:

Northwest Chapter

Counties: Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle

Northwest Facebook Page

Steering Team: (updated 4/11/24)

  • Nancy Knox, Chair
  • Cindy Gilhooly, Treasurer
  • Kelly Wakefield
  • Karen Patno
  • Cheryl McCaffrey
  • Victoria Gauvin - Co-Treasuer
  • Cheryl Willoughby
  • Emily Cook

Rutland Chapter

Counties: Rutland

  Rutland Facebook Page

Steering Team: (Updated 3/10/24)

  • Jan Sherman, Chairperson/Advisory Board Member
  • Deb Bieg, Treasurer/Advisory Board Member
  • Patti Westburg, Secretary
  • Jerri Hoffman, Technical Advisor
  • Kathy Romans Hall, Education Program Coordinator
  • Carol Kluchinski, Advertising
  • Al Jackson, Scholarship Coordinator
  • Sarah Gallagher, Advisory/Rutland Facebook Page Administrator
  • Judy Nevin, Advisory
  • Rich Carlson, Advisory
  • Margery Salmon, Advisory
  • Rita Gylys, Advisory
  • Lynn Traina-Gould, Advisory

Chapter Meeting Minutes:

Southeast Chapter

Counties: Windham & Windsor 

Southeast Facebook Page

Steering Committee (updated 4/2024)

  • Little Tree, Chair
  • Sarah Edelman, Treasurer
  • Janet Spencer, Secretary
  • Danielle Treadwell, Facebook Manager

Chapter Meeting Minutes

Chapter Financial Management

Chapter Finances

The finances for all EMG Chapters are managed independently from the program under the not-for-profit corporation, University of Vermont and State Agricultural College 4-H Program, Inc., also know as the UVM Extension Community Partners. All Chapter treasurers must follow the protocols and policies outlined in the UVM Extension Community Partners' Treasurers Book.

Treasurers Handbook (Fillable PDF, revised June 2023)

VT Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (PDF, 2022)

Financial Reporting:

All Chapters maintain their own bank accounts and are expected to submit routine financial reports to the UVM Extension Community Partners. You may use the Account Reporting Form in the Treasurers Book or complete the Online Financial Reporting Form

**Please note the reporting forms are meant for use by 4-H Clubs and EMG Chapters. The info you will be submitting into this form as a Chapter is the same info as 4-H clubs also submit.

If you have questions about financial reporting, please reach out to Deb Heleba.

Due Dates for Financial Reports:

If the starting annual balance of your Chapter is equal to or LESS than $10,000, you must submit ONE semi-annual account statements and an annual report, due as follows:

  • First half report (October 1 through March 31) – Due on the third Friday of April
  • Annual (October 1 to September 30) – Due by Nov 15

If the starting annual balance of your Chapter is MORE than $10,000, you must submit THREE quarterly reports and an annual report, due as follows:

  • First Quarter (October 1 to December 31) – Due on the third Friday of January
  • Second Quarter (January 1 to March 31) – Due on the third Friday of April
  • Third Quarter (April 1 to June 30) – Due on the third Friday of July
  • Annual (October 1 to September 30) – Due by Nov 15

Chapter Treasurers (a/o of December 2022)

  • Becky Manning: (Bennington)
  • Sue Lucas: (NEK-Central)
  • Cindy Gilhooly: (Northwest)
  • Sarah Edelman: (Southeast)
  • Deb Bieg:  (Rutland)