Providing continuing education opportunities for Extension Master Gardeners and Vermont Master Composters is critical to ensure that our volunteers have the most recent science-based gardening information to best assist gardeners in our communities. Continuing education is offered online through webinars and short courses as well as in-person at workshops, seminars, field days and other gatherings organized by our office as well as our local EMG Chapters. Chapter activities are also great opportunities to connect with other volunteers and so we highly encourage volunteers to attend these offerings.

  • Certified Extension Master Gardeners may earn up to 5 hours in continuing education annually. 
  • Certified Vermont Master Composters may earn up to 1 hour in continuing education annually. 
  • EMG and VMC interns do not earn continuing education hours as they have recently received significant education through their completed coursework.

2024 Advanced Training for EMG and VMC Volunteers

Please see the recordings of advanced trainings offered online in 2024 below.

Deer Tick Research

Aired on 09.10.2024 with Dr. Somaiyeh Ghasemzadeh Dizaji, UVM Entomology Research Lab

Slides (PDF)

UVM Tick Research website: 


2024 Garden Pest Updates

Aired on 08.20.2024 with Dr. Ann Hazelrigg, UVM Extension



Jumping Worm Best Management Practices

Aired on 06.18.2024 with Dr. MaryAm Nouri Aiin, UVM Dept of Plant and Soil Science

Slides (PDF)


Volunteering for the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS)

Aired on 05.30.2024 with NWS meterologist Seth Kutikoff

Slides (PDF)




2024 Chapter Calendars

Bennington County Chapter Calendar

Contact the Chapter for information.

Central-NEK Chapter Calendar

Contact the Chapter for information.

Northwest Chapter Calendar

Date & Start TimeTopicLocation
March 20, 6 p.m.How Climate Change Will Change Gardening in the Northeast w/Lesley-Ann L. Dupigny-Giroux, VT State ClimatologistZoom
April 18, 6 p.m.NRCS Soil Health Practices for Community and Resilience with EMG Rob KurthHort Farm, South Burlington
May 16, 6 p.m. Plant, seed, book swap and new interns welcomeHort Farm, South Burlington
June 20, 6 p.m.Rain gardens tour and talk with EMG Karen TuiningaCharlotte Library
July 18, 5 p.m.Tour of Shelburne FarmsShelburne
August 15, 6 p.m.EMG Project Tour: New Haven Community Pollinator Garden with EMG Emily HilbertNew Haven
September 19, 5 p.m.EMG Project Tour: Burnham Memorial Library and Book Swap with EMG Karen BurkeColchester
October 17, 6 p.m.Annual Pizza and PlanningUVM Hort Farm, South Burlington
November 21, 6 p.m.Annual Potluck UVM Hort Farm, South Burlington

Rutland County Chapter Calendar

Contact the Chapter for monthly meeting schedule.

Southeast Chapter Calendar

Contact the Chapter for monthly meeting schedule.

Previous Years' Advanced Training Webinar Recordings

Garden Diseases and Insects Updates for Summer 2023


Indigenous Culture & Plant Use


Winter Pea as a Dual-Use Crop