Course Teaches the Science and Practice of Backyard Composting

Burlington--Most Vermonters know that composting is an essential part of household waste management as Vermont state law banned food scraps from the trash back in 2020. But composting is more than just landfill diversion.

It is a way to recycle nutrients at your home, saving you money by providing a free resource to feed the soils of your garden, lawn and other plants. Done correctly,...

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Wildflower or Weed?

By Deborah J. Benoit
Extension Master Gardener
University of Vermont

When someone mentions wildflowers, what comes to mind? Daisies? Black-eyed Susans?

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Pick-Your-Own Fruit Etiquette

By Bonnie Kirn Donahue
Extension Master Gardener
University of Vermont 

Planning to pick your own fruit this summer? Let’s review some pick-your-own fruit etiquette to keep in mind when you go.

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