narcan bottle (photo from VCU Capital News Service - Flickr)

Are you eager to support a person whose uses substances?  Curious to know more about overdose response training and/or naloxone as an intervention?  Please consider taking advantage of our training options that could be helpful on this journey.

Become a Community First Responder by registering for one of our training opportunities:

What increases a person's risk for a breathing emergency from opioids? And how can we save someone who is having a bad reaction to opioids? Community First Responder training covers the following learning objectives:

  • Recognize signs, symptoms, and risk factors for a bad reaction to opioids.
  • Learn how naloxone (Narcan) works.
  • Know how to handle intense situations and use naloxone (Narcan).

(Photo of Narcan bottle courtesy of VCU Capital News Service - Flickr)

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This project is supported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the National Institutes of Health under award number 1H79TI085612-01. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.