About the Award

 The Environmental Program at UVM is a university-wide interdisciplinary program encouraging high impact learning and active student engagement in building a sustainable future.

To meet that mission, the Environmental Program is offering summer research award funding of $3,000 (for salary and/or expenses) to UVM undergraduate students conducting environmentally-related research.   We expect to offer several awards.

The student should have the supervision of a UVM Faculty member who is knowledgeable and qualified to support the proposed research effort. Preference will be given to Environmental Studies majors but all students doing environmental research are encouraged to apply.

Applications should be submitted by 5:00 p.m on April 9th via the application portal (look right). For details proposal instructions click on the Application Process button on the right.

Awards will be announced by May 1. Research Should be conducted in the summer.

Examples of past award recipients and projects.

Isabel Lisle 2020 UVM's Roadmap to Zero Waste

Karin Rand 2019 -  Effects of Warming and Species Interaction on Plant Functional Traits

Mariah Cronin 2019 - Biological Science I: Plants, Animals, Genetics, Evolution, Ecology



Applications due April 9
Selection decision announced  May 1
Summer  research conducted
Research report submitted by Sept 15

Application process

Apply Here