Provost's Future Faculty Program | Division of Faculty Affairs (DOFA) | The University of Vermont(title)

Provost's Exploring Faculty Careers at UVM Program

Program Description


The Provost’s Exploring Faculty Careers at UVM Program is a campus-wide faculty recruitment initiative promoted by the Office of the Provost. The program is designed to advance the Academic Success Goals for the University of Vermont by building institutional capacity through the recruitment of faculty that embody and contribute to the diversity of our campus. This program is designed to bring promising future faculty prospects to UVM for a mock interview and orientation visit. During their stay, program candidates will have an opportunity to meet faculty with similar scholarly/research interests, present their work and receive feedback, establish mentoring relationships, visit a class, learn about UVM, and observe and experience the life of a UVM faculty member.

To be eligible, the program candidate must (i) identify as a member of a group under-represented at UVM or in the discipline of the host academic unit; (ii) demonstrate interest in pursuing an academic career (post-doctoral or faculty level) within the next two years; (iii) demonstrate commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion in higher education; (iv) demonstrate potential to fill current or anticipated vacancies in the unit.

How To Apply


Applications must include the following (in this order):

  1. The application form, including detailed budget, with approval signatures from the immediate sponsor supervisor (chair, associate dean or program/institute director) and the dean.
  2. The program candidate’s CV.
  3. A 350-word narrative describing (i) how the program candidate meets the eligibility criteria and how their discipline and career interest fits into the strategic priority and mission of the academic unit (department, school, program, or college); (ii) how recruitment of the program candidate will augment the unit’s contribution to advancing diversity and inclusion at UVM, with specific reference to the unit’s Diversity Action Plan.
  4. A 200-word mentoring plan for the program candidate, including plans for post-visit follow-up. At least two UVM faculty must commit to mentoring the program candidate.
  5. A detailed schedule for the visit that includes an orientation meeting with the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, meeting the department chair (or equivalent) and the unit dean, and opportunities for professional development.

The application period is open. Proposals must be submitted at least two months before the expected visit. Applications must be submitted in a single bookmarked PDF file, with the subject line, “Exploring Faculty Careers at UVM” to

For questions, please contact

Fill out the application (docx)