Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs (OVPFA) | Division of Faculty Affairs (DOFA) | The University of Vermont(title)

The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs has responsibility for all matters related to recruitment, development, evaluation, promotion, retention, recognition, and elevation of all UVM faculty.

Faculty Recruitment


UVM faculty are central to our commitment to academic excellence and standing as one of the nation’s premier research universities. The university is committed to the recruitment and retention of high-quality faculty. To advance this goal, we provide numerous resources to support faculty recruitment. See Faculty Recruitment (New/Continuing Appointments)


UVM Comprehensive Faculty Mentoring Program (CFMP)


The UVM Comprehensive Faculty Mentoring Program is a collaborative effort between the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and various academic units/divisions, including the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs coordinates group mentoring programs available to all faculty, regardless of their academic rank. Additionally, the academic units offer personalized mentoring opportunities for faculty members tailored to their unique professional practices and expectations. See UVM Comprehensive Faculty Mentoring Program.

Academic Leadership Experience Program


The Academic Leadership Programs at UVM aim to support Chairs, Associate Deans and emerging leaders. The objective is to support and provide space for Chairs, Associate Deans, and emerging leaders to share effective leadership and administrative strategies with each other, e.g., RPT Process management and documentation, effective conflict management and response, conducting faculty annual performance reviews and workload planning, and other important topics. See Academic Leadership Experience Program.

Faculty Recognition


UVM is a community of deeply committed teacher-scholars who bring their disciplinary expertise to the classroom. Our faculty are recognized for their teaching excellence and curricular innovation. They are highly accomplished and recognized scholars, researchers, innovators, artists, entrepreneurs and health care providers at the cutting edge of their disciplines. Their full engagement in both teaching and scholarship drives learning, discovery, advances, and achievement on our campus and within their professional communities. UVM proudly recognizes and celebrates the contributions and accomplishments of its world-class faculty. See Faculty Awards and Recognition.  



A successful and satisfying career is facilitated by knowledge of policies and procedures that lay the path for career advancement. This site contains information on key dates, required forms, policies, and supporting documents. See Resources for Faculty and Chairs.



The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs assess all its programs offered on a yearly basis. See Reports.