Students signing common ground boards at twilight induction

In the event of an emergency, please call Police Services immediately at 9-1-1 or 802-656-3473.

The University of Vermont is committed to fostering an environment in which students can be healthy, engaged, and successful. If you know of a concern that might impede your own ability or the ability of others to be healthy, engaged, and successful, please report your concern using the appropriate form below:

If you are unsure of where to begin, visit the university's:

Unified Reporting Portal

Concerning And/or Risky Event (CARE) Team

Care Logo - Hand with Heart imprint

Use this form to share concerns about a student. Examples include:
• Struggling academically
• Mental health problems
• Physical health problems
• Family crises
• Personal challenges
• Academic or work absenteeism
• Substance use problems or concerns

More information about CARE

Submit a CARE Form

Bias Response Form

Use this form to report an incident of Bias, Harassment or Discrimination involving UVM students, staff, or faculty. Bias is defined as speech or expressive conduct directed toward an individual or group that is based on or motivated by the individual or group’s real or perceived race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, gender, age, disability, or gender identity and/or expression.

Learn more about the Bias Response Program

Submit a Bias Response Form

Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Form

TIX letters

Use this form to report potential violations of the Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy to the UVM Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. Examples include, but are not limited to:

• Sexual assault
• Voyeurism
• Gender-based stalking
• Dating or relationship violence
• Sexual harassment

More information and resources on- and off-campus

Title IX and Sexual Misconduct FAQ

Submit a Sexual Misconduct Form

or Send an E-mail (

Police Tip Line (Anonymous)

9-1-1 numbers

Use this form to report (anonymously or not) public safety or potential criminal activity or concerns. Examples include, but are not limited to:
• Suspicious behavior that represents a public safety concern
• Potential criminal behavior
• Non-emergency safety concerns

Submit an Anonymous Tip to UVM Police via CATSafe (mobile)

General Student Misconduct Form

Use this form to report potential violations of UVM Policy. Examples include, but are not limited to:
• Alcohol, Cannabis, Tobacco, or other violations of the UVM Code of Student Conduct
• Physical assault, endangerment, or threats against others
• Student Organizational violations

More information about general student misconduct.

Submit a Student Misconduct Report

Academic Misconduct Form

Use this form to report potential violations of the Code of Academic Integrity. Examples include, but are not limited to:
• Cheating
• Plagiarism
• Fabrication
• Collusion
• Research misconduct

Submit an Academic Misconduct Form

Campus Security Authority (CSA) and Clery Reports to UVM Police

Use this form to report potential crimes that must be reported to UVM Police by Campus Security Authorities.

Submit a Clery Report to UVM Police

Hazing Report Form

Use the CARE form to report potential incidents of hazing.

Report a Crime / Silent Witness Program

Use this form to report a crime to UVM Police online. If you select the option to remain anonymous when filling out this form, your identifying information will be removed before the submission is transmitted to UVM Police via email. If you would like to be contacted by UVM Police in response to your crime report, please include your contact information in your submission. If you are reporting a crime in progress or an emergency situation, please call 9-1-1.

Report a Crime Form

Green and Gold Promise Violations

We all have a shared obligation for upholding the expectations of the Green and Gold Promise. If you're not comfortable, in the moment, with interrupting behavior you feel places you or our community in jeopardy, please contact UVM Police or Residential Life staff.

If you wish to report an incident yourself, you may submit an online incident report directly to the Center for Student Conduct:

View more information about reporting violations to the Green and Gold Promise.


Overview of Resources on Campus:

 Information and SupportCounseling/
Formal ComplaintConfidentility
Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunityx xIncident reported: investigation opened if enough information is available.
Bias Response Programx xIncident reported: investigation opened if enough information is available.
C.A.R.E. Teamx xIncident reported: investigation opened if enough information is available.
Counseling and Psychiatry Servicesxx completely confidential except where there is immediate and serious concern about your safety or that of others.
Student Health Servicesxx Incident reported: confidential no personally identifying information in report unless permission given except where there is immediate and serious concern about your safety or that of others.
UVM Police Departmentx xIncident reported: investigation opened if enough information is available.
Victims Advocatex xcompletely confidential except where there is immediate and serious concern about your safety or that of others.