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Guidelines and requirements for having a banner or display in the Olin Atrium:

  • Requests to hang a banner/display will not be approved for periods of longer than two weeks.
  • Reasonable attempts will be made to accommodate all valid requests. However, requests may be denied, approved, or approved only in part, commensurate with demand.
  • All displays must be in support of a program or event that the requesting organization or department is sponsoring.
  • The banner or display must include the name of the sponsor, the name of the event, the date and time of the event, and the location of the event. Where space is limited on a banner/display, requests to include a URL or QR Code in lieu of logistical details (date, time, location) will be considered.
  • Priority is given to official University-wide messaging, sponsored events and initiatives, which may be displayed for periods of longer than two weeks.
  • The Davis Center reserves the right to determine the placement of banners/displays approved for hanging in the Atrium. When requested and approved, banners/displays hung between the Atrium pillars will incur a labor charge.
  • The banner/display must not violate federal, state, or local law, or any University policy. Requests will not be denied on the basis of the viewpoint of the entity or unit seeking its use.
  • All banners must be under 10 feet and have at least six grommets installed to be considered.
  • Requests not associated with an event or program, and/or banners and displays not meeting the criteria, will be denied.
Requests must be made a minimum of four weeks prior to the start date.
Requests for a period longer than 2 weeks will not be accepted.
Most frequently, banners are placed off of the Chikago Landing in the Davis Center. Occasionally, other locations may be available as appropriate.
Please include details about size, material, and content. Please note that all banners are required to have grommets.
Submissions that are not in compliance with our banner policy will not be considered.
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