Faculty are welcome to self-enroll in these CTL courses:
Modules for Teaching Online and Learning Brightspace from the Student Perspective.

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Teams Troubleshooting

Microsoft Teams

Are you using Teams to meet with your class? If so, you're invited to join us for this troubleshooting session. Bring your questions or problems related to teaching with Teams, and staff from ETS and the CTL will be there to discuss them and help you find solutions.


Poll Everywhere Student Response System Demo

Join us to see currently available software for student response systems. We invite anyone on campus interested in looking at the feature sets for these systems, and particularly individuals currently using a response system in their teaching, to attend one or more demo. Each vendor will set aside time for Q&A as part of their presentation.


Teaching in Higher Education

Microsoft Teams

In this workshop we will help you reflect on your teaching and and share current research on teaching practices such as Kuh's High Impact Practices and Universal Design for Learning.


iClicker Student Response System Demo

Join us to see currently available software for student response systems. We invite anyone on campus interested in looking at the feature sets for these systems, and particularly individuals currently using a response system in their teaching, to attend one or more demo. Each vendor will set aside time for Q&A as part of their presentation.


How are You Doing? – Making the Impossible Semester More Manageable (For Work and Life) 

Microsoft Teams

Check-in with colleagues in an informal, supportive conversation about the unique challenges of managing a pandemic semester with individual choices shaped by systemic barriers. We’ll share strategies for navigating these challenges in what can feel like an impossible semester using a supportive structure inspired by what we know about effective teaching.


CDE: Summer Online Teaching Boot Camp

Remote Remote Delivery, VT

Continuing and Distance Education’s Summer Online Teaching Boot Camp is a 2-week practical training in designing, building and teaching an online asynchronous course specifically for the accelerated summer format.  You will learn the nuts and bolts of online course creation, tips and tricks to make Blackboard work for you, and key strategies to make your course dynamic, challenging, and engaging for both you and your students.

Student Voices Panel: Reflections on Grading and Instructor Feedback

Microsoft Teams

Part one of this student panel, composed of current UVM undergraduate, will share student perspectives on grading and instructor feedback. The panelists will reflect on the experience and purpose of grading; the kinds of feedback they have received, how feedback has been useful, and not; and what faculty have done with feedback that promoted learning and confidence. The second part will be comprised of conversation and questions among attendees and panelists.


(Canceled) Writing-Intensive Teaching in a Pandemic: How’d it Go?

Microsoft Teams

Join us to reflect on our three semesters of experience with teaching writing-intensive mixed and remote courses. We’ll consider what worked for and challenged us and our students, what working remotely has taught us about teaching writing in the disciplines, and what questions or strategies we might carry forward.

Writing Your Teaching Philosophy

Microsoft Teams

During this workshop we discuss the value of articulating a personal teaching philosophy and important elements to include in your statement.


Effective Grading: Tips to Ease the Work & Stress

Microsoft Teams

This workshop explores ways you can tweak your approaches to grading and responding to written student work. With an eye to reducing your stress and workload while increasing clarity and effectiveness, we'll explore a variety of practical grading tips. Facilitated by Susanmarie Harrington


Teaching with Teams (Canceled)

Microsoft Teams

In this remote workshop, we will explore Team’s features while you experience its video conference functionality.


Inclusive Teaching (Canceled)

Microsoft Teams

This workshop helps helps faculty reimagine their courses without barriers to learning. Faculty will learn strategies for removing obstacles to learning and promoting participation from all students. We’ll identify what prevents students from succeeding in a given course, options for removing barriers to desired outcomes, and course design that support an inclusive learning environment.


Teaching with Teams

Microsoft Teams

In this remote workshop, we will explore Team’s features while you experience its video conference functionality.


Teaching Effectively Online

Microsoft Teams

Teaching Effectively Online is a 4-week, cohort-based, online course that prepares faculty to teach online.


Teaching with Teams

Microsoft Teams

In this remote workshop, we will explore Team’s features while you experience its video conference functionality.


Exhale … Reflecting on 15 Months of Pandemic Teaching & Learning

Microsoft Teams

This session offers a space for collective reflection on our teaching during the pandemic: making sense of how it has affected us and identifying what we hope to bring with us (or let go of) to be successful teachers moving forward with a more “normal” fall semester.


Yellowdig: An Alternative Discussion Tool

YellowDig is an alternative to Blackboard’s discussion board tool. In this session, you will learn about YellowDig’s features and Blackboard integration (e.g., no additional logging in, participation data transfer to gradebook if desired). Participants will leave the workshop able to decide whether YellowDig or Blackboard best serves their course goals.


A Win-Win: Increase Reading and Student Engagement with Perusall

Microsoft Teams

Perusall, which integrates with Blackboard (meaning no separate login needed), is a free collaborative annotation tool. Perusall has been shown to increase pre-class reading significantly (greater than 90% of students consistently complete readings in classes using this tool). Students (in small groups up to 20), collectively mark up readings with threaded questions and comments.


Flipgrid: Engage Students in Video-Based Discussions

Microsoft Teams

In Flipgrid, instructors post discussion prompts and students respond with short videos, whether they are learning in class or at home. In this workshop, you’ll see a demonstration of Flipgrid, participate in a Flipgrid discussion, and learn how to set it up. Flipgrid is available for free as part of UVM’s Microsoft Office 365 suite.
