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Taylor F. Schildgen

Taylor Schildgen, a Williams College undergraduate at the time, worked in the former home of the UVM Geology Department, the Perkins Building, preparing quartz that became the foundation of her undergraduate thesis and a later publication. Her work examined the history of Boulder Canyon.

PhD Thesis (Massachusetts Insitute of Technology, 2008)

River incision history in southern Peru as a proxy for Altiplano uplift

MS Thesis (University of Edinburgh, 2001)

Fire and Ice: the Geomorphic History of Middle Boulder Creek as Determined by Isotopic Dating Techniques, Colorado Front Range
download pdf of MS thesis

Undergraduate Degree

Williams College, B.A. summa cum laude Geosciences, 2000

Related Links

Taylor's GFZ web page

Current Position and Contact Information (7/2018)

W2 Professor
Section 5.1 (Geomorphology)
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
14476 Potsdam Germany

Refereed Papers

Schildgen, T., Dethier, D., Bierman, P. R. and Caffee, M. (2002) 26Al and 10Be dating of late Pleistocene and Holocene fill terraces: a record of fluvial deposition and incision, Colorado Front Range. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. v. 27(7), p. 773-787. doi:10.1002/esp.352


Dethier, D. P., Schildgen, T. F., Bierman, P. R. and Caffee, M. W. (2001) Cosmogenic analysis of the Rocky Flats Alluvium near Boulder, Colorado. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual meeting, Boston, MA. v. 33, p. A-312, Abstract 133-0. (download pdf)

Dethier, D. P., Schildgen, T. F., Bierman, P. R. and Caffee, M. W. (2000) The cosmogenic isotope record of late Pleistocene incision, Boulder Canyon, Colorado. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual meeting, Reno, NV. v. 32, p. A-473. (download pdf)