Pubs and Abstracts

Refereed Publications:

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., 2007, Accuracy assessment of LiDAR-derived DEMs of bedrock river channels: Holtwood Gorge, Susquehanna River: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 34, L23S06, doi:10.1029/2007GL031329, [pdf]

Sullivan, C., Bierman, P., Reusser, L., Larsen, J., Pavich, M., Finkel, R., (in press), Erosion and landscape evolution of the Blue Ridge escarpment, southern Appalachian Mountains: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2006 , An Episode of rapid bedrock channel incision during the last glacial cycle, measured with 10Be: American Journal of Science, v. 306, p. 69-102. [pdf]

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Zen, E., Larsen, J. and Finkel, R., 2004, Rapid Late Pleistocene Incision of Atlantic Passive-Margin River Gorges: Science Magazine, v. 305, no. 5683, p. 499-502. [pdf of article] [pdf of SOM]
Abstracts and Proceedings:

Reusser, L., Bierman, P. and Finkel, R., 2008, Estimating Pre-Disturbance Rates of Sediment Generation and Erosion with in situ and Metoric 10-Be: Waipaoa River Basin, New Zealand: GSA Annual Meeting [pdf]

Bierman, P., Jungers, M., Reusser, L. , Pavich, M., 2008, Look Again: Meteoric 10-Be Is a Useful Tracer of Hillslope and Basin-Scale Process: GSA Annual Meeting [pdf]

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Finkel, R., 2007, A New Approach for Estimating Background Rates of Erosion Using Concentration of Meteoric 10-Be Adhered to River Sediment: Application to the Rapidly Eroding Waipaoa Basin, New Zealand: AGU Annual Meeting [pdf]

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., 2007, Quantifying environmental change associated with deforestation, Waipaoa River Basin, New Zealand: XVII INQUA Congress abstract. [pdf]

Sullivan, C., Bierman, P., Reusser, L., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., Finkel, R., 2007, Cosmogenic erosion rates and landscape evolution of the Blue Ridge Escarpment, southern Appalachian Mountains: GSA Abstracts with Programs. [pdf]

Bierman, P., Duxbury, J., Jungers, M., Reusser, L., Reuter, J., Sullivan, C., Larsen, J., Pavich, M., Finkel, R., 2007, A geochronologic glimpse into how ancient mountain ranges erode: GSA Abstracts with Programs. [pdf]

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., Finkel, R., 2006, Timing rates and volumes of bedrock channel incision measured with 10-Be, GPS, and LiDAR, Holtwood Gorge, PA: GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 278. [pdf]

Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Reusser, L., Matmon, A., Sullivan, C., Duxbury, J., Larsen, J., Finkel, R., 2006, Erosion in an old decaying mountain range, the Appalachians: GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 175. [pdf]

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Zen, E., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2004, Climate-Driven Bedrock Channel Incision of The Susquehanna River, Holtwood Gorge, Pennsylvania: Regional Similarities: GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 37-6. [pdf]

Bierman, P., Reusser, L., Pavich, M., Zen, E., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2004, Great Falls Is 30,000 Years Old-Episodic Incision Along The Potomac River Revealed Using Field Mapping and 10-Be Analysis: GSA Northeastern-Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 37-5. [pdf]

Bierman, P, Zen, E., Pavich, M. and Reusser, L., 2004, The incision history of a passive margin river, the Potomac near Great Falls, in Geology of the National Capital Region-Field Trip Guidebook, United States Geological Survey Circular 1264, p. 191-223. [pdf]

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Butler, E., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2003, Late Pleistocene Bedrock Channel Incision of the Lower Susquehanna River: Holtwood Gorge, PA in Mettitts, D., Walter, R., and de Wet, A.: Channeling Through Time: Landscape Evolution, Land Use Change, and Stream Restoration in the Lower Susquehanna Basin, SE Friends of the Pleistocene Guidebook, p. 41-45. [pdf]

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Butler, E., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2003, Late Pleistocene Bedrock Channel Incision of the Lower Susquehanna River: Holtwood Gorge, PA: GSA-Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 134-37. [pdf]

Bierman, P., Reusser, L., Pavich, M., Zen, E., Finkel, R., Larsen, J., and Butler, E., 2002, Major, Climate-Correlative Incision of the Potomac River Gorge at Great Falls About 30 ka: GSA-Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 58-9. [pdf]

Fuis, G.S., Murphy, J.M., Okaya, D.A., Clayton, R.W., Davis, P.M., Thygesen, K., Baher, S.A., Ryberg, T., Benthien, M.L., Simila, G.W., Perron, J.T., Yong, A.K., Reusser, L., Lutter, W.J., Kaip, G., Fort, M.D., Asudeh, I., Sell, R., Vanschaack, J.R., Criley, E.E., Kaderabek, R., Kohler, W.M., and Magnuski, N.H., 2001, Report for borehole explosion data acquired in the 1999 Los Angeles region seismic experiment (LARSE II), Southern California; Part I, Description of the survey: Open-File Report - U.S. Geological Survey. [pdf]