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Alice Nelson

Alice graduated from Williams College in 2010 with a B.A. in Geosciences and a concentration in Environmental Studies. She did undergraduate fieldwork in Svalbard and wrote a senior thesis on Quaternary climate change in the Arctic. Following her graduate work at UVM, she took a position as a Staff Geologist at Environmental Resources Management (ERM) in Boston, Massachusetts. Alice is currently a Senior Project Manager at ERM working on site investigation, remediation, and environmental risk management for clients primarily in the pharmaceutical and manufacturing sectors.

MS Thesis, Geology (University of Vermont, 2013)

Deciphering 6 My of the Greenland Ice Sheet History Using In Situ 10­Be
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Undergraduate degree

Williams College, B.A. Geology, 2010

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Current Position and Contact Information (7/2018)

Senior Project Manager
One Beacon St
5th floor
Boston, MA 02108

Refereed Papers

Nelson, A. H., Bierman, P. R., Shakun, J. D. and Rood, D. H. (2014) Using in situ cosmogenic 10Be to identify the source of sediment leaving Greenland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. v. 39, p. 1087-1100. doi:10.1002/esp.3565


Bierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B., Graly, J., Neumann, T., Rood, D., Shakun, J., and Nelson, A. (2013) The Greenland Ice Sheet erodes its bed some places but not in others. International Association of Geomorphologists Meeting, Paris. (download pdf)

Bierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B., Graly J., Rood D., and Nelson, A. (2013) Where does sediment in the Greenland Ice Sheet come from? GSA Abstracts with Programs, NE section meeting, Bretton Woods, NH. v. 45(1), p. 85, Abstract 33-6. (download pdf)

Bierman, P. R., Rood, D., Corbett, L. B., Nelson, A. and Shakun, J. (2013) Using 10Be in sediment to understand the long-term behavior of the Greenland Ice Sheet. European Geosciences Union. Abstract EGU2013-8159. (download pdf)

Nelson, A., Bierman, P. R., Shakun, J. and Rood, D. (2013) 10Be concentration in Greenland sediment indicates source and exposure history. GSA Abstracts with Programs, NE section meeting, Bretton Woods, NH. v. 45(1), p. 85, Abstract 33-5. (download pdf)

Nelson, A., Bierman, P. R., Shakun, J., Rood, D. (2012) 10Be concentration in sediments indicates exposure, erosion, and transportation along the Greenland Ice Sheet margin. EOS, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA. Abstract EP53C-1035. (download pdf)