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Andrea (Andi) Beausang (Lord)

Andi worked with us as we cored lakes and cut cores. She focussed her work on understanding stable carbon isotopes from the post-glacial sediment layers, in ponds located across New England. Her work also involved an investigation of the younger Holocene sections of the pond sediments while working primarily with Professor Andrea Lini.

MS Thesis (University of Vermont, 2003)

Evolution Rates of Post Glacial Lake Ecosystems in Northern New England: A Geochemical Study Using Lake Sediments
download MS thesis defense slides (ppt) (pdf)
download pdf of MS thesis

Undergraduate Degree

Lehigh University, B.S. Civil Engingeering, 1996

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Project Manager
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Lord, A., Lini, A., Toke, N., Parris, A. S. and Bierman, P. R. (2002) Contrasting evolution of northern New England post-glacial lakes. GSA Abstracts with Programs, NE section meeting, Springfield, MA. (download pdf)

Lord, A., Lini, A., Toke, N., Parris, A. and Bierman, P. R. (2001) Post-glacial evolution of northern New England lakes. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual meeting, Boston, MA. v. 32, p. A-314. (download pdf)

Parris, A., Bosley, A., Noren, A., Bierman, P. R., Lini, A., Lord, A. and Conlan, A. (2001) Grain by grain: Holocene storms and hillslope erosion in New England. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual meeting, Boston, MA. v. 32, p. A-314. (download pdf)