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Jennifer Larsen

Jennifer started working in the Geology Department, in the Perkins Building version of the Cosmogenic Nuclide Extraction Laboratory, in 1999. Since then she has seen quartz from dozens of sites on several continents and worked in three different cosmo lab designs, including two brand new versions.

Master's of Education (2003)

Saint Michael's College, M.Ed. with a focus on Arts in Education, 2003

Undergraduate Degree

University of Vermont, B.S. Forestry, 1986

Junior-Authored, Refereed Publications Based on UVM Research

Hunt, A.L., Larsen, J., Bierman, P., and Petrucci, G.A., 2008, Investigation of factors that affect the sensitivity of accelerator mass spectrometry for cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al isotope analysis: Analytical Chemistry, v. 80, p. 1656-1663. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P.R., Eppes, M.C., Caffee, M., Finkel, R., and Larsen, J., 2007, Timing of surficial process changes down a Mojave Desert piedmont: Quaternary Research, v. 68, p. 151-161. (download pdf)

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2006, An episode of rapid bedrock channel incision during the last glacial cycle, measured with 10Be: American Journal of Science, v. 306, p. 69-102. (download pdf)

Bierman, P.R., Reuter, J.M., Pavich, M., Gellis, A.C., Caffee, M.W., and Larsen, J., 2005, Using cosmogenic nuclides to contrast rates of erosion and sediment yield in a semi-arid, arroyo-dominated landscape, Rio Puerco Basin, New Mexico: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 30, p. 935-953. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P.R., Caffee, M., Finkel, R., and Larsen, J., 2005, Cosmogenically enabled sediment budgeting: Geology, v. 33, p. 133-136. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P.R., Eppes, M.C., Caffee, M., Finkel, R., and Larsen, J., 2005, Late Quaternary history of the Chemehuevi Mountain piedmont, Mojave Desert, deciphered using 10Be and 26Al: American Journal of Science, v. 305, p. 345-368. (download pdf)

Reusser, L.J., Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M.J., Zen, E.-a., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2004, Rapid Late Pleistocene incision of Atlantic passive-margin river gorges: Science, v. 305, p. 499-502. (download pdf)

Matmon, A., Bierman, P.R., Larsen, J., Southworth, S., Pavich, M., and Caffee, M., 2003, Temporally and spatially uniform rates of erosion in the southern Appalachian Great Smoky Mountains: Geology, v. 31, p. 155-158. (download pdf)

Matmon, A.S., Bierman, P., Larsen, J., Southworth, S., Pavich, M., Finkel, R., and Caffee, M., 2003, Erosion of an ancient mountain range, the Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina and Tennessee: American Journal of Science, v. 303, p. 817-855. (download pdf)

Matmon, A.S., Bierman, P.R., Larsen, J., Southworth, S., Pavich, M., Finkel, R., and Caffee, M., 2003, ERRATA: Erosion of an ancient mountain range, the Great Smoky Mountains. North Carolina and Tennessee: American Journal of Science, v. 303, p. 972-973. (download pdf)

Matmon, A., Crouvi, O., Enzel, Y., Bierman, P., Larsen, J., Porat, N., Amit, R., and Caffee, M., 2003, Complex exposure histories of chert clasts in the late Pleistocene shorelines of Lake Lisan, southern Israel: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 28, p. 493-506. (download pdf)

Ross, D.S., Wilmot, T.R. and Larsen, J., 1994, Testing sugarbush soils: Effects of sample storage and drying. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. v.25, no.17&18, p.1899-2908

Other Meeting Abstracts Based on UVM Research

Bierman, P.R., Nichols, K.K., Matmon, A., Enzel, Y., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2007, 10-Be shows that Namibian drainage basins are slowly, steadily and uniformly eroding: Quaternary International v. 167-168 p. 33. (download pdf)

Bierman, P., Duxbury, J., Jungers, M., Reusser, L., Reuter, J., Sullivan, C., Larsen, J., Pavich, M., and Finkel, R., 2007, A geochronologic glimpse into how ancient mountain ranges erode: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 512. (download pdf)

Duxbury, J., Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M., Southworth, S., Matmon, A., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2007, Using cosmogenic isotopes to interpret landscape change in National Parks: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 378. (download pdf)

Jungers, M.C., Bierman, P.R., Matmon, A., Nichols, K.K., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2007, Accepting our differences: The power of amalgamation and 10Be as a geomorphic tracer for hillslope soil transport: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 513. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P.R., Matmon, A., Enzel, Y., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2007, Namibia: Interesting landscapes but monotonous erosion rates: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 603. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Webb, R., Cleveland, K.M., Bierman, P.R., Finkel, R., and Larsen, J., 2007, The long and the short of it: Millennial-scale and contemporary sediment yields of eastern Grand Canyon: EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 88. (download pdf)

Sullivan, C., Bierman, P.R., Reusser, L., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2007, Cosmogenic erosion rates and landscape evolution of the Blue Ridge Escarpment, southern Appalachian Mountains: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 512. (download pdf)

Bierman, P.R., Nichols, K.K., Jungers, M., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2006, More than rates or dates: The power of amalgamation when tracing landscape-scale processes with Be: Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. (download pdf)

Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M., Reusser, L., Matmon, A., Sullivan, C., Duxbury, J., Larsen, J., Finkel, R., and Reuter, J., 2006, Erosion in an old decaying mountain range-the Appalachians: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 175. (download pdf)

Cleveland, M., Nichols, K.K., Webb, R.H., Bierman, P.R., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2006, Asymmetric tributary erosion rates of eastern Grand Canyon based on cosmogenic 10 Be: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 282. ( download pdf)

Duxbury, J., Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M.J., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2006, Be monitoring of erosion rates in the Appalachain Mountains, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 278. (download pdf)

Jungers, M.C., Bierman, P.R., Matmon, A., Cox, R., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2006, Tracking soil transport downslope using in-situ produced 10Be: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 283. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P.R., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2006, A 10Be view of tropical erosion: The Rio Chagres, A steady supply of sediment in Panama: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 97. (download pdf)

Reusser, L., Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2006, Timing, rates, and volumes of bedrock channel incision measured with 10Be, GPS, and LIDAR: Holtwood Gorge, PA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 278. (download pdf)

Reuter, J.M., Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2006, 10Be estimates of erosion rates in the Susquehanna River basin: Implications for models of Appalachian geomorphology and consideration of rates in a global context: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 278. (download pdf)

Sullivan, C.L., Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., Finkel, R., 2006, Cosmogenically derived erosion rates for the Blue Ridge Escarpment, Southern Appalachian Mountains: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2006 Philadelphia Annual Meeting, v. 38, p. 279. ( download pdf)

Matmon, A., Bierman, P.R., Larsen, J., Southworth, S., Pavich, M., Finkel, R., and Caffee, M., 2005, Grain size dependency of 10Be concentrations in alluvial sediments in the Great Smoky Mountains: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts v. 69, p. p.A160. (download pdf)

Bierman, P., Reusser, L., Pavich, M., Zen, E.-a., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2004, Great Falls is 30,000 years old - Episodic incision along the Potomac River revealed using field mapping and 10-Be analysis, GSA Northeastern Section (39th Annual) and Southeastern Section (53rd Annual) Joint Meeting: Tyson's Corner, Virginia. (download pdf)

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Zen, E.-a., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2004, Climate-driven bedrock channel incision of the Susquehanna River, Holtwood Gorge, Pennsylvania: Regional Similarities, GSA Northeastern Section (39th Annual) and Southeastern Section (53rd Annual) Joint Meeting: Tyson's Corner, Virginia. (download pdf)

Reuter, J., Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2004, Linking 10Be estimates of erosion rates with landscape variables: compilation and consideration of multiple data sets from around the world., International Geological Conference: Florence. (download pdf)

Reuter, J.M., Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M., Gellis, A., and Larsen, J., 2004, Erosion of the Susquehanna River Basin: Assessing relations between 10-Be derived erosion rates and basin characteristics, Northeastern Section (39th Annual) and Southeastern section (53rd Annual) Joint Meeting: Tysons Corner, Virginia. (download pdf)

Matmon, A., Crouvi, O., Enzel, Y., Bierman, P.R., Larsen, J., Amit, R., Porat, N., and Caffee, M., 2003, Cosmogenic and OSL dating of the late Pleistocene shorelines of Lake Lisan, southern Israel; two different histories: Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research, v. 16, p. 228. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P.R., Eppes, M.C., Finkel, R.C., Caffee, M.W., and Larsen, J., 2003, The life of desert piedmont sediment: sediment tracing using cosmogenic nuclides: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 134-24. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P.R., Eppes, M.C., Caffee, M.W., Finkel, R.C., and Larsen, J., 2003, The speed and history of piedmont sediment: XVI Inqua Congress Programs with Abstracts, p. 140. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P., Finkel, R., and Larsen, J., 2003, Long-term erosion and sedimentation rates of the Rio Chagres basin based on cosmogenic 10Be: International Scientific Symposium The Rio Chagres: A Multi-Disciplinary Profile of a Tropical Watershed Abstract Volume. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P.R., Persico, L.P., Larsen, J., Caffee, M., and Finkel, R., 2003, U.S. Army impacts on Mojave Desert sediment, past and present: International Conference on Military Geology and Geography, p. 47. (download pdf)

Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M., Eaton, L.S., Finkel, R., and Larsen, J., 2002, The boulders of Madison County: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. (download pdf)

Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M.J., Reusser, L.J., Zen, E.A., Finkel, R., and Larsen, J., 2002, Major, climate-correlative incision of the Potomac River Gorge at Great Falls about 30,000 years ago: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34. (download pdf)

Nichols, K.K., Bierman, P.R., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R.C., 2002, Sedimentation of the Panama Canal reservoir: Cosmogenic nuclide estimates of background sediment yield: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. (download pdf)

Duncan, C., Masek, J., Bierman, P., Larsen, J., and Caffee, M., 2001, Extraordinarily high denudation rates suggested by 10Be and 26Al analysis of river sediments, Bhutan Himalayas: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33. (download pdf)

Other Publications Based on UVM Research

Nichols, K., Bierman, P., Finkel, R., and Larsen, J., 2005, Long-Term (10 to 20 kyr) Sediment Generation Rates for the Upper Rio Chagres Basin Based on Cosmogenic 10Be, in Harmon, R.S., ed., The Rio Chagres: A Multidisciplinary Profile of a Tropical Watershed, Kluwer Academic Publishers. (download pdf)

Bierman, P.R., Caffee, M.W., Davis, P.T., Marsella, K., Pavich, M., Colgan, P., Mickelson, D., and Larsen, J., 2003, Understanding the rates and timing of Earth surface processes from in-situ produced cosmogenic 10Be, in: Beryllium: Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry, in Grew, E., ed., Reviews in Mineralogy, Volume 50, p. 147-196. (download pdf)

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Butler, E., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2003, Late Pleistocene bedrock channel incision of the lower Susquehanna River: Holtwood Gorge, Pennsylvania, In "Channeling through time: landscape evolution, land use change, and stream restoration in the lower Susquehanna Basin", in Merritts, D., Walter, P., and de Wet, A., eds., Southeastern Friends of the Pleistocene Fall 2003 Guidebook, p. 48-55. (download pdf)

Reuter, J., Bierman, P.R., Pavich, M., Gellis, A., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2003, Long-term sediment generation rates derived from 10Be in river sediment of the Susquehanna River Basin, in "Channeling through time: Landscape evolution, land use change, and stream restoration in the lower Susquehanna Basin", in Merritts, D., Walter, R., and de Wet, A., eds., Southeastern Friends of the Pleistocene Fall 2003 Guidebook, p. 48-55. (download pdf)

Bierman, P.R., Caffee, M.W., Davis, P.T., Marsella, K., Pavich, M., Colgan, P., Mickelson, D., and Larsen, J., 2002, Rates and timing of Earth surface processes from in situ-produced cosmogenic Be-10, in Grew, E.S., ed., Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry: Beryllium; mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry, Volume 50: Washington, DC, United States, Mineralogical Society of America and Geochemical Society, Washington, DC, p. 147-205. (download pdf)