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William Hackett

Will's research at UVM focuses on the changing hydrologic character of the landscape as a result of climate change and land use changes within the Winooski Basin of northern Vermont.

MS Thesis (University of Vermont, May 2009)

Hydrology, Climate, and Land Use Change in the Winooski River Basin of Northern Vermont
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download pdf of MS thesis

Undergraduate Degree

St. Lawrence University, B.S. Geology, 2007

Current Position and Contact Information (4/2009)

Master's Candidate
UVM Geology Department
Delehanty Hall
180 Colchester Ave.
Burlington,VT 05405

Refereed Papers

Besaw, L. E., Rizzo, D. M., Bierman, P. R. and Hackett, W. R. (2010) Advances in ungauged streamflow prediction using artificial neural networks. Journal of Hydrology. v. 386(1-4), p. 27-37. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.02.037


Hackett, W. R., Bierman, P. R., Rizzo, D. M. and Besaw, L. E. (2009) Increasing precipitation, runoff, forests, and pavement over the last 70 years, the Winooski River Basin, northern Vermont. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual meeting, Portland, OR. v. 41(7), p. 40, Abstract 8-3. (download pdf)

Hackett, W. R., Bierman, P. R., Rizzo, D. M. and Besaw, L. E. (2009) Increasing precipitation and runoff interact with land use change over the last 70 years in the Winooski River basin, northern Vermont. WRCC, Annual meeting, Amherst, MA. (download pdf)

Besaw, L. E., Rizzo, D. M., Bierman, P. R. and Hackett, W. R. (2008) Daily streamflow forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks: Application in the Winooski River basin, Vermont. EOS, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA. Abstract h21C-0888. (download pdf)

Hackett, W. R., Bierman, P. R., Rizzo, D. M. and Besaw, L. E. (2008) Increasing precipitation and runoff over the last 70 years, the Winooski River Basin, Vermont. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual meeting, Houston, TX. v. 40(6), p. 468, Abstract 301-1. (download pdf)

Hackett, W. R., Bierman, P. R., Rizzo, D. M. and Besaw, L. E. (2008) Analysis of Changing Climate and Hydrology in the Winooski River Basin, Vermont. EPSCoR annual meeting, Burlington, VT. (download pdf)