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Cat Collins

I am a geoscience student interested in cold region climate research and the utilization of machine learning software in the geosciences. I have conducted research using AI software to collect climate data in the Namib Desert and have worked in the Center for Climate Security at Sandia National Labs as an undergrad. For graduate school I will continue with my interest in the intersection of climate science and computer science at UVM, this time focusing on the Greenland Ice sheet.

MS Candidate, Natural Resources (University of Vermont, in progress)

M.S., Natural Resources, University of Vermont, 2022-Present (Expected Spring 2024) Northwest Greenland Ice Sheet history through physical characterization of the Camp Century subglacial sediment"
MS proposal as a pdf
MS Thesis proposal slides (.pptx file)
MS Thesis (.pdf file)

Undergraduate degree

B.S., Earth and Space Exploration (Geological Sciences), Arizona State University, 2021, Minors: Art History, Spanish
Thesis: “Image Recognition Software Reveals Potential for Detection of Hypolith Colonization in the Namib Desert”

Related Links

Camp Century Web site (www.campcentury.org)


AGU 2023 poster (pdf)

Collins, C., Mastro, H., Souza, J., Christ, A., Perdrial, N., Schauer, A. J., Steig, E. J., Bierman, P. R., 2023. Geochemistry, Sedimentology, and Paleoecology of Subglacial Sediment in the 1966 Camp Century Core Reveal Multi-Million-Year History of Northwest Greenland. Joint 72nd Annual Southeastern/ 58th Annual Northeastern Geological Society of America Section Meeting. Poster presentation. # 386135 doi.org/10.1130/abs/2023SE-386135

Christ, A.J., Bierman, P.R., Tison, J.-L., Blard, P.-H., Brachfeld, S.A., Collins, C., Courville, Z., Mastro, H., Thomas, E.K., Aguilar, J.M.N., Caffee, M., Dahl-Jensen, D., Dethier, D.P., Fosdick, J.C., Hemming, S.R., Hidy, A.J., Kasic, K., Knutz, P.C., Perdrial, N., Peteet, D.M., Rittenour, T.M., Schaefer, J., Souza, J., Steffensen, J.P., Steig, E.J., 2022. “The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Oral presentation. C020a agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1045607

Collins, C., Anand, H., Chen, Z., Aparecido, L.~M., Das, J., Throop, H. 2021. Artificial Intelligence Assists in the Estimation of Hypolith Distribution in the Namib Desert. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Poster Presentation. B25F-1530 agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/846029