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Peyton Cavnar

Peyton is being advised by Paul Bierman (UVM) and Jeremy Shakun (BC) and studies paleoclimatology. Her project revolves around reconstructing the size and erosivity of the Laurentide Ice Sheet over the past 3 million years. She hopes this will provide paleoclimatic melting analogs to better understand the threat of climate change to the Greenland Ice Sheet.

MS Candidate, Natural Resources (University of Vermont, in progress)

Exploring the history of retreat and erosivity of the Laurentide Ice Sheet using in situ 26Al and 10Be cosmogenic nuclide analysis.

MS Thesis proposal slides (.pdf file)
MS Thesis proposal (.pdf file)
MS Thesis (.pdf file)
MS Defense (.pdf file) (Link)

Undergraduate degree

University of Oklahoma, B.S. Environmental Sustainability with Distinction Minor: Weather and Climate, 2022; Undergraduate Research, Indigenous heirloom agriculture and climate science: Investigating Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) as a means of cultural preservation and climate adaptation in Oklahoma.

Related Links

Peyton was previously a part of the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, a consortium which works to create climate change projections and engage stakeholders in mitigation and adaptation efforts.


Cavnar, P., Bierman, P.R., Corbett, L.B., Shakun, J.D., and LeBlanc, D.E. 2023. Cosmogenic 10Be Reveals Variable Laurentide Ice Sheet Erosivity under the Quebec-Labrador Ice Dome. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Abstract ID C11D-1067. agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1419514

AGU 2023 poster (.png)