These are papers we will be reading and reviewing.

Week 1, September 9
Discussion of the publication and peer-review process and "how to" for reviewing papers. Read and be prepared to discuss these letters about the peer review process and come to class ready to argue for or against anonimity! (download PDF)
Week 2, September 16
Picking a journal and working with collaborators, real example of the process!
A. Read this paper, RAPID DEGLACIATION IN NORTHWEST GREENLAND CIRCA 11 ka BP by Lee B Corbett; Paul R Bierman; Jason P Briner; Joseph A Graly; Thomas A Neumann; Dylan H Rood; Robert C Finkel .
download PDF

B. Review these Instructions to Authors, Quaternary Science Reviews
link to web page

C. Read and be prepared to discuss, "Guide to working with co-authors" by Tom Neumann
download PDF

Week 3, September 23
NO CLASS, Paul at conference in London
Week 4, September 30
NSF pre-proposal reviewing, a real example of a different writing style. Please read the NSF RPF (posted below) and review the pre-proposal for conformity and merit using the standard NSF review criteria.
Frontiers Proposal, Project Summary (download docx file)
Frontiers Proposal, Project Description (download docx file)
NSF Request for Proposals, NSF10577, note specific review criteria on page 8 (download PDF)
NSF Review Criteria (download PDF)
Week 5, October 7
Abstracts - for papers and for professional meetings
A. Read these two views of how what an abstract should contain and be ready to dicuss whether you agree or disagree with the authors.
The Abstract by Dr. Margaret Procter. download PDF
Down to Earth" Research Advice by Dr J. Mark Tippett. download PDF

B. Read the two abstracts below, one of which I prepared for the small meeting I attended in London last week and the other of which Lee Corbett (remember her?!) prepared for the GSA meeting in Denver in late October. Come to class with a series of notes ready to discuss how these two abstracts differ and what information they were designed to communicate.
Using in situ cosmogenic 10Be to understand deglaciation timing and glacial erosion efficiency near Jakobshavn Icefjord, Western Greenland by Corbett et al. download .doc
Three decades tracing erosion and sediment with cosmogenic nuclides - where do we go next? by Bierman et al.. download PDF

C. Reread the abstracts of the Reusser paper (week 1, posted below in its nearly published form), the Corbett paper (week 2), and the project summary of the NSF grant you reviewed. Write notes comparing and contrasting these three "abstracts". Be sure to address, How are they similar? How do they differ?
Calibrating a long‐term meteoric 10Be accumulation rate in soil by Reusser et al. download PDF

D. Write an abstract (200 words or less!) about either the project you are working on now or a project you have done in the past. Bring 10 copies to class. We will read, compare and discuss these abstracts in class.
Week 6, October 14
This week, we need your help with a paper that has been a long time coming. Our goal for the week is to decide which figures are most important and how to trim the text. Please come with your ideas and review ready to help Eric!

Erosion of Earth’s Surface measured with 10Be by Eric Portenga and others.
download PDF

Instructions to Authors, GSA Today (there are 4 linked pages of guidelines, please have a look at them all
link to Website

Week 7, October 21
This week, Flavio needs your edits and help with his paper. He would especially like for people to help reduce the length of the paper (need to remove 400-500 words), decide if it is an appropriate paper to be published in "Conservation Biology", and if it flows well. The intent is to "advertise" the methodology we used and suggest it for prioritization projects that focus on other species and are conducted in other areas.

download PDF

Instructions to Authors, Conservation Biology
link to Website

Week 8, October 28
This week we are reading a report to the faculty of Geology prepared by Kyle updating the faculty on his progress toward his MS degree. This is part of the graduate comprehensive exam process. TITANIQ THERMOBAROMETERY OF FABRIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE STRAFFORD DOME, VERMONT: LINKING MICROSTRUCTURES TO OROGENIC PROCESSES by Kyle Thomas Ashley.
download PDF

Gradute Student Handbook (see section 4.6, 4.7)
link to PDF

Week 9, November 4
NO CLASS, Paul at GSA conference in Denver
Week 10, November 11
Please read both the original submitted draft and the new draft. Also, please read the comments and help Dale to make sure the new draft responds to the comments from reviewers.
(NEW DRAFT) Integrating a traffic router and micro-simulator into a land use and transportation model by Austin Troy, Dale Azaria, Brian Voigt, and Adel Sadek
download PDF

(ORIGINAL DRAFT) Integrating UrbanSim with a traffic router and micro-simulator for transportation and land use change analysis by Austin Troy, Dale Azaria, Brian Voigt, and Adel Sadek
download PDF

Review comments on ORIGINAL draft
download PDF

Week 11, November 18
Please read Drew and Joe's progress reports as a pair and we will talk about them together. Please read the relevant pages of the UVM Geology Graduate handbook so you cna ensure they "meet specs".

A Paleolimnological study of Holocene Sediments in St Albans Bay, Lake Champlain by Johanna Palmer
download PDF

download PDF

For background, Andrew has provided his thesis proposal:
download PDF

Gradute Student Handbook (see section 4.6, 4.7)
link to PDF

Week 12, November 25
NO CLASS, Turkey Day. :)
Week 13, December 2
Kerrie would like help with the following as you review the paper draft: suggestions to shorten the paper, what data are important to present, and the best use of figures. Quantifying Sediment Loading due to Channel Migration in Impaired and Attainment Watersheds in Chittenden County, VT by Kerrie M. Garvey
download PDF

Appendizies to paper,
download PDF

Instructions to Authors, Remote Sensing of Environment.
link to Website

About the journal, Remote Sensing of Environment. link to Website
Week 14, December 9
Please help us with finishing up the last (LAST!) chapter for a textbook we have been working on for the last two years. We ask that you read the chapter and help us by identifying what is missing and what is not clearly explained.

MAKE SURE to take the Knowledge Survey before reading the chapter and again in class after reading the chapter.

Chapter 9, Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology from Key Concepts in Geomorphology by Paul Bierman and David Montgomery
download PDF

Summary of National Academy Workshop, Reconsidering the Textbook
Link to the website

More about knowledge surveys
Link to the website

More about our textbook
Link to the website