Information Sheet For Samples Collected From Holtwood Gorge, PA

Collection Date


Sample Number Island/ location Level Elevation (m) Northing (m) Easting (m) GPS Unit Notes Sampling Strategy Sample Lithology




LR-01 Upper Peavine 4 54.58 4407462.184 386952.954 Pro XR   Level 4 long profile Schist 1-4 cm


LR-02a Peavine Front 3 42.60 4407571.202 386788.536 Pro XR   Level 3 X-sec, long profile and small scale varriance Quartz bleb 2-3 cm


LR-02b Peavine Front 3 42.81 4407557.886 386786.593 Pro XR   Level 3 X-sec, long profile and small scale varriance Quartz bleb 2-3 cm


LR-04 na 1   4407672.000 386691.000 Garmin   Level 1 long profile Quartz bleb 3 cm


LR-06 Lower Bear 2 35.46 4406973.675 388253.866 Pro XR previously LB-28, Islet in channel on east side of Lower bear island Level 2 long profile Dirty Quartz 3 cm


LR-07 Lower Bear 2   4407144.000 388171.000 Garmin previously LB-44?. Islet at level 2 elevation on east side of UB-LB cut through channel. 75 meters upstream of 06 Level 2 long profile Dirty Quartz, some schist 2-3 cm


LR-08 UB-LB cutthrough 2 34.77 4407068.879 388046.973 Pro XR previously LB-29. Islet at the mouth of the UB-LB cut through channel. East side of UB-LB Level 2 long profile Dirty Quartz 2 cm


LR-09 Deepwater Tail 2 34.69 4407463.023 387833.731 Pro XR previously DW-01. Largest islet along Deepwater downstream tail Level 2 long profile Schist, some quartz 3 cm


LR-10 Deepwater front 2 to 3   4407679.000 387553.000 Garmin lower point on the front of deepwater. Lowest point in the DW rounded front transect. DW rounded front study Quartz bleb, some schist 2 cm


LR-11 Deepwater Front 2 to 3 41.44 4407661.018 387585.545 Pro XR previously DW-08. second point up in the DW rounded front transect DW rounded front study Quartz bleb, some schist 2-3 cm


LR-12 Deepwater front 3 44.13 4407615.017 387600.317 Pro XR previously DW-07. Highest point in DW rounded front transect. Total station location DW rounded front study and, level 3 x-sec *Lab Replicate Quartz bleb 3 cm


LR-13 Deepwater Islet 2   4407687.000 387507.000 Garmin Upstream and lower surface on the upstream, western frontal islet. Level 2 long profile and DW rounded front study Quartz and schist 2-3 cm


LR-14 Deepwater Islet 2-boulder   4407694.000 387509.000 Garmin Boulder perched in the middle of the DW islet from which 13 & 15 were collected Level 2 boulder Quartz pebble conglomerate 1-2 cm


LR-15 Deepwater Islet 2 38.49 4407668.520 387510.157 Pro XR previously DW-11. downstream and upper surface on frontal, western DW islet Level 2 long profile and DW rounded front study Quartz bleb, some schist 2 cm


LR-16 Upperbear frontal lobe 1 to 2   4407725.000 387279.000 Garmin sub level 2 outcrop at the mouth of the UB frontal lobe harbor. Accessible only at low water level UB rounded front study Quartz bleb 2 cm


LR-17a Upperbear frontal lobe 3 44.67 4407676.237 387282.757 Pro XR Previously UB-22. Highest point in the UB rounded front transect. Also the site for a small scale (1m)/micro topography study UB rounded front study, level 3 x-sec and, small scale/micro topography study (1 m) Quartz bleb 1-2 cm


LR-17b Upperbear frontal lobe 3 44.67 4407676.237 387282.757 Pro XR Previously UB-22. Highest point in the UB rounded front transect. Also the site for a small scale (1m)/micro topography study UB rounded front study, level 3 x-sec and, small scale/micro topography study (1m) Quartz bleb, some schist 1-2 cm


LR-17c Upperbear frontal lobe 3 44.67 4407676.237 387282.757 Pro XR Previously UB-22. Highest point in the UB rounded front transect. Also the site for a small scale (1m)/micro topography study UB rounded front study, level 3 x-sec and, small scale/micro topography study (1 m) Quartz bleb 3-4 cm


LR-18 Upperbear frontal lobe 2 to 3 41.62 4407673.058 387266.496 Pro XR previously UB-21. Second point down on the UB lobe rounded front transect. UB rounded front study * Lab Replicate Quartz bleb 3-4 cm


LR-19 Upperbear frontal lobe 2 to 3 40.68 4407681.718 387254.300 Pro XR Previously UB-20. Thrid point down on the UB lobe rounded front transect. UB rounded front study Quartz bleb, some schist 2 cm


LR-20 Upperbear frontal lobe 2 to 3   4407707.000 387267.000 Garmin Fourth point down on the UB lobe rounded front transect. UB rounded front study Quartz bleb, some schist 3-4 cm


LR-21 Upperbear frontal lobe 2 36.40 4407740.007 387297.510 Pro XR previously UB-18. Next point down in transect. Is the islet just upstream of the eastern side of the UB frontal lobe. UB rounded front study and, level 2 toe Schist, very little Quarts 3-4 cm


LR-22 Crow III 2 to 3 38.59 4407700.829 387010.755 Pro XR *coordinates approximated from CRIII-02. Intermediate level to the west of the boulder. Great surface. Level 2-3 x-sec and, intermediate study Quartz blebs 2 cm


LR-23 Crow II 3 42.17 4407614.799 386905.699 Pro XR previously CRII-02. Highest surface on island. Approximately in the middle of the island Level 3 X-sec * Lab Replicate Quartz blebs 2-3 cm


LR-24 Crow I 3 almost 39.45 4407552.100 387083.900 Pro XR previously CRI-02. Western front of Crow II. Higher surface a bit inland and in the trees. Level 3 x-sec and, intermediate study * Lab Replicate Quartz blebs 5 cm


LR-25 Crow I 3 44.81 4407623.818 387162.479 Pro XR Previously CRI-03. Highest surface on middle front of island. Crow III visible directly in front of sample site. Level 3 X-sec * Lab Replicate Quartz blebs 2 cm


LR-26 West Shore shoestring 2   4408773.000 385611.000 Garmin MINI LONG PROFILE PT 1 of 5. Upstream most point along the shoestring island to the west of upper brushy island. Level 2 shoestring mini long profile Quartz blebs 2 cm


LR-27 West Shore shoestring 2   4408756.000 385647.000 Garmin MINI LONG PROFILE PT 2 of 5. second point along the shoestring island to the west of upper brushy island. Level 2 shoestring mini long profile Quartz blebs, some schist 2 cm


LR-28 West Shore shoestring 2-boulder   4408752.000 385656.000 Garmin Boulder perched on upper shoestring island in between 26 & 27 Level 2 boulder Gneiss (?) 1 cm


LR-29 Brushy Upper 3 ? 47.60 4408841.846 385827.378 Pro XR Highest surface on the upper brushy ridge. 10 m or so downstream of the power tower near the old suspension bridge between brushy and piney. Eastern most point in upper gorge CROSS SECTION Upper gorge x-section Quartz blebs 1-2 cm


LR-30 Brushy Upper 2 to 3 44.63 4408811.811 385768.919 Pro XR Next point down in the upper gorge CROSS SECTION. To the west of 30 and slightly down stream if I remember correctly Upper gorge x-section Quartz blebs 2-3 cm


LR-31 Brushy Upper 2 to 3 41.70 4408806.613 385725.358 Pro XR Next point down in the upper gorge CROSS SECTION. Further to the west and near the shore. Approximately 100 m downstream from the landing spot. Upper gorge x-section Quartz blebs, some schist 2 cm


LR-32 West Shore shoestring 2 40.23 4408671.448 385757.193 Pro XR MINI LONG PROFILE PT 5 of 5. Furthest downstream point along the shoestring island to the west of brushy island. These points can be used in the upper gorge CROSS SECTION as well. Level 2 shoestring mini long profile Quartz and schist 2-3 cm


LR-33 West Shore shoestring 2 39.17 4408725.886 385688.483 Pro XR MINI LONG PROFILE PT 3 of 5. Upstream most point on the downstream island along the shoestring profile Level 2 shoestring mini long profile Quartz and schist 2-3 cm


LR-34 West Shore shoestring 2 39.49 4408704.855 385714.477 Pro XR MINI LONG PROFILE PT 4 of 5. Same as the others Level 2 shoestring mini long profile Mostly Quartz 2-3 cm


LR-35 West Shore 2 40.53 4408700.360 385467.028 Pro XR Furthest point upstream along the west shore bank. On a small shore islet…accessible at low water or by canoe. Level 2 long profile Quartz and schist 2-3 cm


LR-36a West Shore 2 39.70 4408616.494 385493.004 Pro XR SMALL SCALE VARRIANCE pt 1 or 3 (10 meter scale). Next point down stream from 35. Use in CROSS SECTION as well and LONG PROFILE of Level 2 Level 2 long profile and small scale varriance (10 m) Quartz bleb, some schist 2-3 cm


LR-36b West Shore 2 40.25 4408627.771 385496.373 Pro XR SMALL SCALE VARRIANCE pt 2 or 3 (10 meter scale). Next point down stream from 35. Use in CROSS SECTION as well and LONG PROFILE of Level 3 Level 2 long profile and small scale varriance (10 m) Quartz and schist 2 cm


LR-36c West Shore 2 40.26 4408614.593 385500.639 Pro XR SMALL SCALE VARRIANCE pt 3 or 3 (10 meter scale). Next point down stream from 35. Use in CROSS SECTION as well and LONG PROFILE of Level 4 Level 2 long profile and small scale varriance (10 m) Mostly Quartz 3 cm


LR-37 West Shore 2 39.96 4408530.610 385576.476 Pro XR Third point down along the west shore long profile of level 2 Level 2 long profile Quartz bleb 2 cm


LR-38 West Shore 3 (low) 45.32 4408484.435 385603.675 Pro XR High point directly underneath the power tower abover 37. Beautifully rounded surface looks almost glacial. GET BENCH MARK COORDS. Level 3 long profile Quartz and schist 1-2 cm


LR-39 West Shore 2 39.37 4407871.223 386232.137 Pro XR shore point south of the lock 12 put-in, but north of the norman wood bridge. Trying to connect upper gorge level 2 with lower gorge level 2. Level 2 long profile Quartz and schist 3 cm


LR-40 Wildcat frontal islet 2 36.49 4407757.091 386635.872 Pro XR point on front, level 2 'toe' of wildcat frontal islet. Many of the islands in this section of the gorge have level 2 'toes' which grade into the level three along the rounded fronts. Level 2 long profile and level 2 toe Quartz bleb 2 cm


LR-41 Wildcat 3 almost 41.78 4407708.350 386719.958 Pro XR High point on the mid western side of wildcat. The island doesn't reach the full height of other level 3 islands…I believe it and crow II behind it were once a single island, so level 3 is not seen until we hit the high point on Crow II. Level 3 (almost) x-section Quartz bleb 2 cm


LR-42 Upper Bear-Western Front 2 36.49 4407517.925 387265.948 Pro XR Level 2 toe on the western side of the front of UB mainland. Located within the cut through channel between upper bear and crow I Level 2 long profile and level 2 toe Quartz bleb 2 cm


LR-43 Peavine back 4 58.33 4407329.669 387248.577 Pro XR High point on the downstream section of Peavine island. Heavily weathered…not sure what we wil be able to say about it. Level 4 long profile Schist 2 cm


LR-44 Channel Islet 2 33.57 4405554.808 388723.125 Pro XR Level 2 islet in the channel to the west of the southern cluster. Inundated by conowingo reservoir most of the time. Level 2 long profile    


LR-45 Channel Islet 2 33.03 4405373.066 389026.560 Pro XR Level 2 islet. 50-100 meters down stream of 44 in the channel to the west of the southern cluster. Level 2 long profile    


LR-46 Beach Island 3 ? 40.93 4405829.085 389428.817 Pro XR Upper surface on the downstream, western side of Beach. possibly a level 3. Crapy surface, heavily weathered No good XXXXXXXXXXX XXX


LR-47 Beach Island 3? 38.05 4405837.684 389448.600 Pro XR Upper surface on the dowstream, eastern side of Beach. Much better surface…looks low for a 3, but it should yield a much more reliable age. Level 3 long profile Quartz and schist 2-3 cm


LB-48 Channel islet 2 33.24 4406141.416 388150.085 Pro XR Level 2 islet in the channel to the west of Lower Bear. 100 meters north of the boat landing. Nice surface. Huge log perched on it. Level 2 long profile Quartz and schist 2-3 cm


PR-01 Principio creek na         Upper surface of knickpoint within the channel of Principio Creek,MD test possible correlation to any of the Holtwood levels Quartz Vein 2-3 cm


PR-02 Principio creek na         Lower surface of knickpoint within the channel fo Principio Creek, MD test possible correlation to any of the Holtwood levels Gneiss (?) 3-4 cm

Last Updated on 7/12/02
By Luke Reusser