Fieldwork at the Iron Mountain Camp, Mojave Desert


Field work is ongoing. After 10 days of reconnaissance in January, we have collected nearly 40 samples of sediment for cosmogenic nuclide analysis (10-Be and 26-Al).


Samples for isotope analysis have been collected from a variety of geomorphic settings. We have collected detailed depth profiles from two soil pits located at different distances from the range front.

We collected several samples from channels draining the adjacent Iron and Granite Mountains.

Detailed real-time surveys using our Trimble 4400 RTK GPS system are being used to estimate the depth to which the migration of ephemeral channels stirs the Piedmont surface, data need to interpret measured nuclide abundances. Other soil stirring processes are also important, particulalry bioturbating rodents.

The battery charging needs of the GPS mandate a somewhat unusual camp.

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