Displacement rates


The ages and displacements of the fans and cinder cone provide a means of calculating longterm and interval displacement rates for the Fish Springs fault. The cinder cone was dated by Martel et. al. (1987) at 314 ± 36 ka (39-Ar/40-Ar). We used the displacements calculated by Martel et al. (1989) for the west fan and cinder cone, and determined the north fan group displacements with the help of Steve Thompson (Univ. of Washington) and Christine Massey (Univ. of Vermont).

Steve and Christine surveying the fault scarp


Summary of age and displacement data



Our data suggest that vertical displacement rates at the Fish Springs fault have been constant over the last 314,000 years. The rate of vertical displacement is 0.24 ± 0.03 mm/yr.

Displacement diagram


Displacement rates calculated for the intervals between formation and abandonment of the fans and cinder cone at Fish Springs are similar (with exception of a short interval between north fan C and north fan A).

Table of displacement rates



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