Luke Reusser
Ph.D. Student
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
and Department of Geology
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405

(802) 656-3398

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Research Interests:
Understanding rates of landscape change over millennial time-scales using cosmogenic isotopes: bedrock channel incision along the U.S. mid-Atlantic passive margin (Susquehanna and Potomac Rivers), basin-wide erosion rates through time in a variety of tectonic environments; Waipaoa River Basin, North Island, New Zealand, and major drainages along the U.S. Atlantic passive margin.

Selected Publications and Field Guides:
Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Zen, E., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2004, Rapid Late Pleistocene Incision of Atlantic Passive-Margin River Gorges: Science Magazine, v. 305, p. 499-502. (.pdf of article) (supporting online material)

Bierman, P, Zen, E., Pavich, M. and Reusser, L. 2004, The incision history of a passive margin river, the Potomac near Great Falls, in Geology of the National Capital Region-Field Trip Guidebook, United States Geological Survey Circular 1264, p. 191-223. (.pdf)

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Butler, E., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., 2003, Late Pleistocene Bedrock Channel Incision of the Lower Susquehanna River: Holtwood Gorge, PA in Mettitts, D., Walter, R., and de Wet, A.: Channeling Through Time: Landscape Evolution, Land Use Change, and Stream Restoration in the Lower Susquehanna Basin, SE Friends of the Pleistocene Guidebook, p. 41-45. (.pdf)

Reusser, L., Bierman, P., Pavich, M., Larsen, J., and Finkel, R., (in review), Late Pleistocene Bedrock Channel Incision Along The U.S. Atlantic Passive Margin: Holtwood Gorge, Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania.