Myeongjin Bae, M.S., Sport Science, University of Seoul

Ph.D. Candidate

Myeongjin Bae


Myeongjin's current research interest focuses on (1) developing individualized exercise-based fall prevention programs for individuals with multiple sclerosis, (2) identifying underlying mechanisms between exercise and cognition of people with neurological disorders, and (3) finding strategies to promote and maintain physical activity levels in people with disabilities and chronic conditions. His areas of expertise include physical activity and health promotion in people with disabilities, exercise and cognition, and postural control and fall risk in people with multiple sclerosis.


Myeongjin's current research interest focuses on (1) developing individualized exercise-based fall prevention programs for individuals with multiple sclerosis, (2) identifying underlying mechanisms between exercise and cognition of people with neurological disorders, and (3) finding strategies to promote and maintain physical activity levels in people with disabilities and chronic conditions. His areas of expertise include physical activity and health promotion in people with disabilities, exercise and cognition, and postural control and fall risk in people with multiple sclerosis.