Marc Hickok, M.S., Exercise Science, University of South Florida

Ph.D. Candidate


Marc's research focuses on exploring inter-limb asymmetries and the impact of unilateral versus bilateral training on athletic performance and injury prevention. Additionally, Marc serves as the Director of Athletic Performance at UVM, overseeing all Vermont athletic programs and specifically managing the athletic performance programs for men's basketball and lacrosse. He holds a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) credential from the NSCA and is a certified Functional Movement Specialist (FMS).


Marc's research focuses on exploring inter-limb asymmetries and the impact of unilateral versus bilateral training on athletic performance and injury prevention. Additionally, Marc serves as the Director of Athletic Performance at UVM, overseeing all Vermont athletic programs and specifically managing the athletic performance programs for men's basketball and lacrosse. He holds a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) credential from the NSCA and is a certified Functional Movement Specialist (FMS).