Over 150 middle school and high school students from across the state descended upon UVM’s STEM complex this past Saturday (Feb. 22) for a full day of hands-on learning and exploration of the engineering disciplines. Sponsored by the Lola and George Aiken Fund, the event was free and open to all youth in grades 5-12.

The bustling day, organized by UVM’s College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (CEMS) and UVM Extension 4-H, was divided into two parts. In the morning, the students participated in an engineering scavenger hunt, during which local engineering businesses and UVM clubs set up interactive exhibits showcasing various types of engineering and career pathways.

Students tour exhibitor tables during the 2025 Discover Engineering Day

Participating exhibitors included Agilent Technologies, Beta Technologies, GlobalFoundries, Governor’s Institutes of Vermont, Marvell, Tau Beta Pi, UVM Alternative Energy Racing Organization (AERO), UVM IEEE Club, UVM Society of Physics Students, UVM Space Club, Vermont Agency of Transportation, Vermont Army National Guard, Vermont Energy Education Program and the Vermont Space Grant Consortium.

Following lunch, the students joined engineering professionals, CEMS faculty, and UVM engineering students in hands-on skill-building workshops.

Students participate in a circuit building workshop

2025 Discover Engineering Workshops

Workshop titleWorkshop host
Fun With CarsUVM AERO Club
Fabrication Fun in 3DUVM FabLab 
Renewables by DesignVermont Energy Education Program
Bright Ideas: Hands-On Circuit BuildingElectrical and Computer Engineering Program
Designing BridgesVermont Agency of Transportation
Constructing CartilageDepartment of Mechanical Engineering
Learn to Code: PythonDepartment of Computer Science
Lift and Force: Paper Plane OlympicsUVM STEM Ambassadors
Lego RoboticsUVM STEM Ambassadors