Andrew Bottomley, SUNY Oneonta

CCN Faculty Champion

Affiliated Department(s)

Center for Community News


Andrew J. Bottomley is Associate Professor of Media Studies at SUNY Oneonta. He is author of Sound Streams: A Cultural History of Radio-Internet Convergence (University of Michigan Press, 2020) and co-editor (with Michele Hilmes) of the Oxford Handbook of Radio and Podcasting (Oxford University Press, 2024). He is recipient of the 2018 Dissertation Award from the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS). His research has been published in various academic journals including Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Journal of Radio & Audio Media, Popular Music & Society, and Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television. He is a Research Associate on the Library of Congress Radio Preservation Task Force and a Faculty Advisory Committee member for the SUNY Institute for Local News.


Andrew J. Bottomley is Associate Professor of Media Studies at SUNY Oneonta. He is author of Sound Streams: A Cultural History of Radio-Internet Convergence (University of Michigan Press, 2020) and co-editor (with Michele Hilmes) of the Oxford Handbook of Radio and Podcasting (Oxford University Press, 2024). He is recipient of the 2018 Dissertation Award from the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS). His research has been published in various academic journals including Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Journal of Radio & Audio Media, Popular Music & Society, and Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television. He is a Research Associate on the Library of Congress Radio Preservation Task Force and a Faculty Advisory Committee member for the SUNY Institute for Local News.