At UVM, sociology is similar to other liberal arts degrees: the skills you acquire are transferrable to many fields. A liberal arts degree equips you to do research, write and read critically and analytically so they can be trained for any kind of work. That said, many public or nonprofit agencies, governmental bureaus, and community programs hire students with specifically sociological training, as do organizations that need people with skills in sociological methodology and social statistics.

Graduates of UVM’s sociology department mostly work in human service agencies, but also go on to masters in social work programs, law school or other graduate level education. One former student drew on her sociology training in gerontology to start her own business.  Another became an investment advisor. Sociology majors generally leave with excellent people skills and presentation skills, which prepares them for any field of work.

  • Marc Dixon

    Professor and Expert on Labor Movement

    Marc Dixon is associate professor of sociology at Dartmouth College. His interests lie in the politics of social movements, or how protest groups affect and are in turn shaped by state policy. He has written on protest, strikes, and the trajectory of the American labor movement and labor policy following the New Deal, and is currently working on a comparative historical study of legislative battles over union rights in the Midwest as they were waged in both the 1950s and early 2010s.

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Graduate Education

Many UVM sociology students go on to graduate education, including law school, medical school, social work, and more. For those interested in medical school or related careers, starting in 2015, the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) will have questions about the field of sociology; UVM recommends Soc. 001 to all pre-meds, and there are many other courses in the department relevant to a career in medicine. The department also offers a minor in gerontology, the study of aging.