Students might naturally ask: What does a religion major prepare me for?

The study of religion embodies the enduring liberal arts ideal that before locking into a job niche in a world defined by public or local perceptions, it is good to first have the opportunity to study ways of interpreting the world itself and thus to develop informated judgments about what is valuable to know and to do.

The field of religion has its own specific educational outcomes. Majors will have:

  • an enhanced understanding of cultural diversity and the naturalness of diverse world views
  • international and historical perspectives that will (a) provide the wider context for students' understanding of their own culture, and (b) provide preparation for careers in international relations, development, and commerce.

Because of the broad interdisciplinary focus of the College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate program, religion majors are equipped with many other transferable skills, enabling them to succeed in any profession.

Advanced studies in religion

Some religion majors choose to go on to graduate work in religion and eventually on to academic careers. UVM's religion professors are products of some of the best religion programs in the country (Boston University, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Chicago, Columbia University, Indiana University Bloomington, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of Virginia, and Yale) and will be glad to speak with you about not only programs of interest, but also what it is that advanced students of religion do.

  • Shakir Stephen

    Intellectual journey leads to NYU

    Shakir Stephen was born in Montreal and grew up in Southeast London, and his intellectual journey reflects a broad set of interests and potential career paths. After working in as an academic coach in Burlington for three years after graduation, he is bound for New York University where he begins an M.A. program in religion.

    Stephen was a talented science student, and his interests in high school seemed to lead him towards the STEM disciplines. “The educational system in the UK is different: the choices for undergraduate study are narrower, and you need to make a decision about your path for studies at a pretty young age, around 16.”

    Stephen declared physics as his major upon entering UVM, but something was tugging him  towards the humanities. In his first year at UVM he took several liberal arts courses and found his home in the religion department.

    “I took a course on the bible with Anne Clark and she really focused on writing, which I was OK at but because I was concentrating on the sciences I was a little rusty,” he recalls. “She emphasized how important writing was for success in college and beyond, and that really resonated with me.”

    Read more about Shakir's story

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Careers and jobs after a religion major

Religion majors also gravitate to the same kinds of professions and work opportunities as do those who major in history, English, or even biology. For example, they may eventually go into medicine (many medical schools actually prefer that their applicants major in humanistic fields), law, business, education, social work, or ordained ministry. Current department graduates pursue the following careers:

  • teaching, both high school and higher education
  • medicine
  • film production
  • counseling
  • business
  • broadcasting
  • publishing
  • web design
  • computer sciences
  • performance, visual, and literary arts
  • international relations and development
  • ministry
  • social services