Sean L. Field


Alma mater(s)
  • Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2002


Professor Sean L. Field is a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America and a Correspondant étranger of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. His translation of Jacques Dalarun, To Govern is to Serve:  An Essay on Medieval Democracy  was published by Cornell in 2023, and he is the author or editor of fifteen other books, including A Female Apostle in Medieval Italy:  The Life of Clare of Rimini  (Penn, 2022), The Deeds of Philip Augustus:  An English Translation of Rigord’s Gesta Philippi Augusti  (Cornell, 2022), and Courting Sanctity:  Holy Women and the Capetians (Cornell, 2019). Professor Field has been a Fulbright Fellow and a UVM University Scholar, and is particularly proud to have received the CARA Excellence in Teaching Award from the Medieval Academy of America. He is delighted to be spending his 2023-24 sabbatical year as a Fellow at the National Humanities Center.

Area(s) of expertise

Medieval Europe


Professor Sean L. Field is a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America and a Correspondant étranger of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. His translation of Jacques Dalarun, To Govern is to Serve:  An Essay on Medieval Democracy  was published by Cornell in 2023, and he is the author or editor of fifteen other books, including A Female Apostle in Medieval Italy:  The Life of Clare of Rimini  (Penn, 2022), The Deeds of Philip Augustus:  An English Translation of Rigord’s Gesta Philippi Augusti  (Cornell, 2022), and Courting Sanctity:  Holy Women and the Capetians (Cornell, 2019). Professor Field has been a Fulbright Fellow and a UVM University Scholar, and is particularly proud to have received the CARA Excellence in Teaching Award from the Medieval Academy of America. He is delighted to be spending his 2023-24 sabbatical year as a Fellow at the National Humanities Center.

Areas of Expertise

Medieval Europe