
Dr. Jonathan “Doc” Bradley is a lecturer in the Political Science Department. Doc earned his PhD and Master of Political Science at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2019. He earned a Bachelor of Psychology at the University of Arkansas and a Bachelor of Religious Studies at North Carolina State University. His areas of specialty are environmental politics as well as religion & politics. His research interests are the influence of religion on conservative politics, and how various religions advocate for or against environmental issues. He has co-published on abortion attitudes in emerging democracies and political understanding of the role of religion in politics. The nickname “Doc” comes from being a medic in the US Army.

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

International Relations, American Politics, Environmental Politics, and Religion & Politics. Research interests are the interplay of Religion in US politics, creating environmental norms, and religious institutional policy on the environment.


Office Location:

513 Old Mill

Office Hours:

MWF 11a-12:10am, TTh 11a-12:30 or by appointment