Chair, Professor of Economics

Dr. Ramirez-Harrington comes to the UVM Economics Department from the University of Guelph where she was an Assistant Professor from 2004 until 2007. She finished her PhD from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign in 2004. She received her undergraduate degree in economics at the University of the Philippines in 1996.


Journal Articles

Experience and Attribution of Extreme Weather-Related Events and the Willingness to Pay for Climate Change Mitigation, Accepted at Global Environmental Change (with T. Shrum and R. Gould).

Technological and Management Abatement Strategies and Input Choices to Increase Output and Abatement, (2023) Forthcoming at Land Economics. Published online before print March 22, 2023. doi: 

P2 and Patents: The Dynamics of Technology Adoption and Innovation and Environmental Performance (2023) Environmental and Resource Economics 84, 439–474 (2023). (with K. Brouhle and B. Graham)

Information Disclosure as Policy Tool for Climate Mitigation (2023), Journal of Economics and Business Research, Vol.25 No.1, pp.113 – 136.  (with Keith Brouhle). doi: 10.1504/IJEBR.2022.10040535

Effects of Audit Frequency, Audit Quality, and Facility Age on Environmental Compliance (2021) Applied Economics, 53(28): 3234-3252. (with Dietrich Earnhart) 

The Impact of Management Systems on Technical Change: The Adoption of Pollution Prevention Techniques (2021) Economic Change and Restructuring, 54(1): 171-198. (with George Deltas and Madhu Khanna)

The Effects of Enforcement on Corporate Environmental Performance: The Role of Fairness, (2021) Review of Law & Economics 17(1): 71-118 (with D. Earnhart and Robert Glicksman)

Foreword to Workshop Special Issue: Environmental Regulation and Innovation in Local Communities (2020) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 49(2), 193-195. (with Martin Heintzelman)

The Effect of Enforcement Fairness on Environmental Performance, (2020) Environmental Management and Sustainable Development [S.l.], 9(2): 1-34. (with D. Earnhart and Robert Glicksman)

Patent Citations and Network Effects from Climate Wise Program, (2015), Economics Bulletin, 35 (4): A234 (with B. Graham and K. Brouhle)

Effect of audits on the extent of compliance with wastewater discharge limits, (2014), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68(2): 243-261 (with D. Earnhart)

Does Pollution Prevention Reduce Toxic Emissions? A Dynamic Panel Data Model, Land Economics, May 1, 2014, Vol. 90, No. 2, Pages 199-221 (with G. Deltas and M. Khanna).

EMS and the VCR: The roll of environmental management systems in the Canadian Voluntary Climate and Challenge Registry, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, August 2014, Vol. 57, Issue 8, Pages 1145-1168 (with K. Brouhle).

Green Management and the Nature of Pollution Prevention Innovation, Applied Economics, February 2014, Vol. 46, No. 5, Pages 465-482 (with G. Deltas and M. Khanna).

Market with (Somewhat) Environmentally Conscious Consumers, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Fall 2013, Vol. 22, Issue 3, Pages 640-667 (with G. Deltas and M. Khanna).

Innovation under the Climate Wise Program, Resource and Energy Economics, May 2013, Vol. 35, No. 2, Pages 91-112 (with K. Brouhle and B. Graham).

Effectiveness of State Pollution Prevention Programs and Policies, Contemporary Economic Policy, April 2013, Vol. 31, No. 2, Pages 255-278.

Two-Stage Adoption of Pollution Prevention Technologies, Resource and Energy Economics, January 2012, Vol. 34, No. 3, Pages 349-373.

GHG Registries: Participation and Performance under the Canadian Voluntary Climate Challenge Program, Environmental and Resource Economics, December 2010, Vol. 47, No. 4, Pages 521-548 (with K. Brouhle).

Adoption of Pollution Prevention Techniques: The Role of Management Systems, Demand-Side Factors and Complementary Assets, Environmental and Resource Economics, September 2009, Vol. 44, No. 1, Pages 85-106 (with M. Khanna and G. Deltas).

Firm Strategy and the Canadian Voluntary Climate Challenge and Registry (VCR), Business Strategy and the Environment, September 2009, Vol. 18, No. 6, Pages 360-379 (with K. Brouhle).

Striving to be Green: The Adoption of Total Quality Environmental Management, Applied Economics, December 2008, Vol. 40, Pages 2995-3007 (with M. Khanna and G. Deltas).

Evaluating an Environmental Right: Public Comment and Government Decision Making in Ontario, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, July 2008, Vol. 56, No. 3, Pages 277-294 (with B.J. Deaton and A. Lintner).

Probability distributions for carbon emissions and atmospheric response, Climatic Change, From the issue entitled "Special Topic on Carbon Budgets", April 2008, Vol. 88, No. 3-4, Pages 309-342 (with C.E. Singer, T.S.G. Rethinaraj, S. Addy, D. Durham, M. Isik, M. Khanna, B.Kuehl, J. Luo, W. Quimio and K. Rajendran, J. Qiang, J.Jurgen Scheffran, T.N. Tiouririne, J. Zhang).

Student-friendly TDP game, Journal of Economic Education, April 2006, Vol. 37, No. 2, Pages 187-203 (with A.W. Ando).

Conversation Capital and Sustainable Economic Growth, Oxford Economic Papers, April 2005, Vol. 57, No. 2, Pages 336-359 (with M. Khanna and D. Zilberman).

Book Chapters

Natural Resources Policy: A Pragmatic Approach, in J.D. Ackerman and W. Chesworth (eds), Health and the Planet. Hammond Lecture Series, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, December 2005 (with B.J. Deaton).

Effectiveness of Voluntary Approaches: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation in Baranzini, A. and P. Thalmann, eds. Voluntary Agreements in Climate Policies: An Assessment. Edward Elgar, 2004 (with M. Khanna).

Donna in profile outdoors with brick columns in the background

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Environmental economics and policy, environmental regulation, environmental innovation, technology adoption and technical change, corporate environmental strategy


  • Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004


  • 802-656-0964
Office Location:

Old Mill Room 337