8:30am - Coffee/Tea & Opening Remarks
Integrative Learning & Student Success - J. Dickinson, VP for Academic Affairs and Student Success
9:00am - Round 1 Breakout Sessions
Beyond the Bots: Writing Support in the Age of AI (Presentation Slides)
ChatGPT not only raised concerns about cheating but also whether peer tutoring will be made obsolete by the bots. Not yet! GenAI writing tools can be used ethically and effectively, but they can’t replicate the power of peers to help writers build metacognition, develop flexible strategies, and improve rhetorical awareness. Join Sheila Boland Chira (Undergraduate Writing Center) and Liz Fenton (Graduate Writing Center) to learn how they are navigating the emergence of GenAI and how the writing centers can help your students.
Addressing the Inequities of Networking / Job Searching (Presentation Slides)
Up to 85% of jobs are filled through networking, which means inequities in networking quickly become inequities in securing jobs. How are we (the Career Center) addressing these inequities? Join Sarah Heath, Director, and Danielle Gallant, Assistant Director, in exploring Social Capital Theory in relation to career prep and the critical role network development plays in fostering social mobility (through connections to people, ideas, and opportunities).
10:00am - Round 2 Breakout Sessions
Beyond the Hidden Curriculum: Building Effective Student Support Systems
Join Haydee Miranda (Director, Tutoring Center) and Ann Barlow (Director, First Scholars) for an interactive workshop on creating effective student support systems. Through individual reflection and small group dialogue, we will look at structural barriers in your unit that challenge students, opportunities for growth, and effective efforts underway.
UVM GO: Stories & Lessons from Year 1
Join Caitlyn Clark and the UVM GO team to hear how the pilot year went, what's in store next, how you can be a part, and what alums are saying about their experience 6 months later. This session will look at UVM GO’s integrative learning outcomes and the ways we are creating opportunities for first-year students that will spark an interest in global citizenship. We’ll also talk about the collaboration with other pre-orientation/Summer Bridge programs at UVM and how we all contribute to strengthening a sense of belonging and greater success for incoming students.
11:00am - Round 3 Breakout Sessions
AI and Career: Ethical Strategies & Real Limits (Presentation Slides)
ChatGPT can be an effective tool in career exploration and preparation when used appropriately. Join Adam Boothe, Career Center Assistant Director, and Kat Collins, Curriculum Specialist, for a hands-on session demonstrating ways students can use AI to help them present a compelling story about how they're connecting the dots between all that they are learning and practicing. Attendees will walk away with strategies and tips for student job seekers to use AI ethically and successfully. Bring your laptop for an interactive experience.
Mental Health and the Vital Role of Disability Accommodations
Join Nate Gondelman, Brady Katzman-Rooks, and Aaron Masi, from Student Accessibility Services, for a peak behind the scenes regarding the most common and most outlandish requests for services, the common challenges, and key takeaways for successful collaborations with students and their accessibility needs.
Noon: Networking Lunch
Connect. Eat. Discuss. Enjoy.