two people looking over design materials at an internship site

Internships at UVM

An academic internship is a supervised work experience, combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a UVM faculty member, for which academic credit is awarded.

UVM's Policy on Academic Internships

Academic units have the freedom to design specific curricula and guidelines for credit-bearing experiences, but those guidelines must conform to the minimum requirements outlined in UVM’s Policy on Academic Internships

All employers hosting UVM interns should execute the University's Internship Memorandum of Understanding - a legal agreement between the University and the host organization outlining expectations and responsibilities of the internship site, the supervising faculty member, the student intern, and the University.  Signed MOUs are required for all credit-bearing internships.  The Career Center is available for consultation on internship procedures, best practices, and questions regarding the MOU.

MOU Process

  • Presently the MOU can be signed by an authorized agent @
  • MOUs are valid for a period of three years and cover all UVM students who engage in a credit-bearing internship with that organization during that period.
  • Soon the MOU will be executed through IronClad – a new software program being brought online by the Office of General Counsel.

Faculty / Coordinator Responsibilities

  • Internship courses should be designated as such (INTN) in the Schedule of Courses AND promoted to students.

  • Individual faculty members develop a curriculum that aligns with the university and federal intern policies and industry best practices – the Career Center is available for consultation on this - Internship course proposals should be evaluated by curriculum committees (like all other courses).

  • Instructors are required to track internships and report this information to the Career Center by the end of the Add/Drop week (Tracking Template) each semester they teach an internship course.

  • Instructors should advise students on relevant safety policies, for example:

    o    Sharing Field Safety Policy with any student working outside an office environment. 

    o    Sharing Domestic Travel Policy with any student working outside VT.

  • Instructors should ensure every student has a sound Learning Contract (download template) clearly outlining the internship's learning goals.
  • Academic units may require students and supervisors to complete mid-semester and end-of-internship evaluation forms.

Student Responsibilities

  • Communicating with their advisor or appropriate members of their department to begin the process of enrolling for internship credits.
  • Seeking their own internship placements &/or seeking assistance from faculty or the Career Center to identify areas of interest and seek an internship site.
  • Collaborating with their faculty sponsor at the beginning of the semester to create a learning contract detailing information about their learning goals and objectives, planned activities and required assignments.


The Career Center is available to support all internship courses.  We can cultivate employer partnerships; provide consultation on best practices for facilitating internship reflections, assessments, and projects; and advise on federal internship policies. Intern instructors and coordinators may join a monthly Internship Coordinator Network meeting to share intern resources and ask questions.  Hybrid meetings happen the 1st Tues of the month @ 9am in the Career Center and on Teams. 

The University of Vermont Career Center Division of Student Affairs


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Kristen Andrews



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