These are established programs that provide paid opportunities to conduct biologically-related research, and typically involve an individual research project.  They are listed in chronological order by posting date.  You can also browse the National Science Foundation REU Programs by topic and location.

UVM students can earn credits for qualifying internship experiences, whether during the academic year or in Summer.  These are organized through a student's college or department: College of Arts & Sciences (CAS), College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (CALS), Rubenstein School for the Environment & Natural Resources (RSENR).  CAS’s Summer Internship Scholarship Program can provide students with up to $3,000 to help cover their food, rent, transportation, and/or other living expenses while doing an internship.

Summer 2024

5/1 - Conservation Corps - various US

Conservation Corps work all over the U.S. on projects ranging in focus from Ecology to History: and  You can serve on a crew with other young(er) folks, or be placed individually.  Most positions will come with an AmeriCorps stipend, education award, and other benefits.

Open positions:

Year-round Opportunities

Catalog of Biomedical Research Internships

The Student Conservation Association - various US

Paid internships all around the country, ranging from 3 to 12 months, most with housing provided and an AmeriCorps Education award upon completion.

The Student Conservation Association (SCA) is the largest provider of hands-on environmental conservation programs for youth and adults. Our program participants protect and restore national parks, marine sanctuaries, cultural landmarks and community green spaces across the country. After working with the SCA, program participants emerge with increased environmental awareness, social responsibility and leadership skills.


Conservation Internships through MANO

MANO (My Access to Network Opportunities) Project, an initiative of Hispanic Access Foundation, builds and develops young leaders of color who share a passion for serving and strengthening their communities. We partner with federal land management agencies (U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and many more!) to offer robust and hands-on internship and fellowship opportunities for those pursuing college degrees (undergraduate and graduate) or recently graduated individuals. All of our internships and fellowships are rooted in supporting the Conservation of our Natural Resources through diverse STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) positions. 

Apply Here:

New internship opportunities open on a rolling basis so we encourage you to visit our page on a monthly basis. If you see a position is open past the end date, it is still accepting applicants and you are encouraged to apply.

US Government Agency Internships

For students and faculty in search of internships with government laboratories:

Research Internship in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology - Trinidad

Research interns are needed to assist in a multi-disciplinary, multi-investigator, experimental study of the evolution of species interactions in Trinidad, West Indies. The research is led by Professors David Reznick (University of California, Riverside), Joseph Travis (Florida State University), Tim Coulson (University of Oxford), and Ron Bassar (Auburn University).  We seek to integrate multiple biological fields for the study of these interactions in experimental populations of guppies and killifish in Trinidad. Duties include assisting in monthly censuses of guppy and killifish populations in montane streams and helping to execute experiments in on-site artificial streams. The monthly censuses include long hours in the field and laboratory.

Interns will be required to spend a minimum of 3 months in Trinidad, with possibility of extension. There are potential start dates in April 2023 and every month thereafter until September 2024. We will pay a monthly stipend, cover travel, living expenses, and provide housing.

Qualifications: We seek interns who are entertaining the possibility of pursuing graduate studies in some area of ecology and evolution and who wish to gain some additional field research experience before doing so.  Research will take place in semi-remote areas of Trinidad, sometimes under bad weather conditions. Applicants must be able to live and work well with others. Research will involve carrying heavy packs over slippery and steep terrain. Applicants must be in good physical condition and be able to meet the demands of field research under these conditions. Ability to drive a standard transmission vehicle is desirable but not required. Applicants with first-aid/first responder training, skills in automobile maintenance, and construction skills are highly desirable. Please address these skills when applying.

Please see our website ( for more information on the project and access to reprints.  Be sure to check out our video menu, which includes a "guppy censuses" as submenu VII.  It details the main tasks associated with the internship.

Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and the names and e-mail addresses of three or more professional references to David Reznick ( At least two of the references should be academics.

Pharmacology Internship - PA/NC/MA/CT

Summer and school-year internships with GSK, a science-led global healthcare and pharmaceutical company: