Current Elevator Outages

Elevator Outages

No elevator outages at this time.


Elevator Outage Procedures

This document outlines the procedures to ensure accessibility and support for students affected by elevator outages in both residence halls and academic buildings.

Elevator Outage Information for Student

Residence Hall Elevator Outage



  •  Student Notification: Students will be notified of elevator outages via email from the OAS Listserv as Facilities notify us. If you would like to receive email notifications regarding elevator outages and restorations, please contact Sharon Mone at to opt into this service.   If you choose not to opt-in, you will not receive regular updates from OAS regarding elevator outages.
  • Outage Information: Information will also be posted on the OAS webpage.

Student Unable to Access Their Room

  1. Student Actions:
    • Contact the Resident Assistant (RA) and/or front desk staff.
  2. RA/Front Desk Staff Actions:
    • Contact the RET team or appropriate personnel to determine the availability of an alternative room for the student.
    • If a room is available and accepted by the student:
      • The RA or designated person will assist the student in retrieving items from their original room.
    • If a room is not available or not accepted by the student:
      • Explore the possibility of the student staying with a friend.
      • Consider other available options.
    • Determine if Residential Life can provide transportation to the new location. If not, during hours of 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM, check with the OAS Specialist to see if CatsRide is an option.
  3. Note: Depending on the situation and the duration of the repair, the student may be required to relocate for life safety reasons.

Student Unable to Leave Their Room

  1. Student Actions:
    • Contact the RA to update the RET team or appropriate personnel.
    • Fill out the Meal Request Form, designating a friend or RA to pick up meals.
    • Contact their SAS Specialist.
  2. OAS Specialist Actions:
  • Contact faculty if the student is unable to attend class in person
  • Work with faculty to explore options for remote classes, recording classes, and providing note-takers in courses.

Academic Building Elevator Outage



  •  Student Notification: The student will contact their OAS Specialist regarding the elevator outage.

OAS Specialist Actions

  1. Contact faculty and the Registrar’s Office if the student is unable to attend class in person.
  2. Explore the following options:
    • Convert the class to a hybrid format to allow remote attendance.
    • Temporarily or permanently relocate the classroom, depending on the duration of the elevator outage.

Faculty Guidelines for Elevator Outages

  • Elevators are essential for students who cannot use stairs to access classrooms or offices. If an elevator outage prevents a student from attending class, please do not penalize the absence.
  • Physical Plant Services usually inform us of outages, and we attempt to contact all professors with affected students. Even if you are not notified by our office, consider the student's communication as valid notification to excuse the absence and assist with acquiring missed materials.
  • You can verify the date and time of elevator outages with the Office of Accessibility Services or Physical Plant Services.

What to Do if an Elevator Goes Down During Class or an Office Visit

  • Immediate Action: Contact Student Accessibility Services at 802-656-7753 or UVM Police at 802-656-3473.
  • Access Barrier Form: Fill out the Access Barrier Form.
  • Safety Note: Do not attempt to lift or carry an individual up or down stairs.

Elevator Outage Information for Employees

How to Receive Outage Notices

  • Employees can sign up for real-time outage notifications via sending an email to
  • Updates will be posted on our website on Elevator Outages
  • For urgent assistance, contact Facilities Management -  Call Service Operations Support (SOS) at 802-656-2560

What to Do During an Outage

  • Use alternative stairwells where accessible.
  • Employees with mobility impairments or other accessibility needs should Contact the UVM police (802) 656-3473  for support.
  • If you are stuck in an elevator, use the emergency call button to notify building security or emergency responders.

Estimated Repair Time and Updates

  • Outage details and estimated repair times will be posted and updated regularly.
  • Employees can check the status.

Elevator Outage Information for Visitors

How to Receive Outage Notices

  • Elevator outage updates will be posted at Elevator Outages
  • For real-time information, visitors can call Facilities Management - -  Call Service Operations Support (SOS) at 802-656-2560

What to Do During an Outage

  • Alternative stairwells are available for those who can use them safely.
  • Visitors requiring accessibility assistance should contact the UVM police (802) 656-3473
  • If you become stuck in an elevator, use the emergency call button to reach building security or emergency responders.

Estimated Repair Time and Updates

  • The latest outage information, including estimated repair times, will be posted at Elevator Outages
  • Our team is available to assist with alternative arrangements if needed. Contact or (802) 656-7753.