Come to Romoland     Where the Cairns Play!

CA CRAP - Cairn Rescue Annual Party or Cairn Regalia and Promenade
May 13, 2005 - May 15, 2005

First Report:
Thu, 12 May 2005 01:32:40 EDT (that's Wed, 11 May 2005 11:32:40 CRAP TIME!!)

I'm laughing . . . I can't recall a CRAP every starting this early or lasting as many days after . . . . I'm really excited.
We have 10 here thus far counting George and I.  Kathy Garis, her sister Donna [I hang with Kathy, because I love her sister], Kathy Burban, Sheryl Carroll and her daughter Andria ~ what a little DOLL BABY she is . . . VERY pretty and Judith Ellis . . . OH, and Faye . . . . who did Faye come with again?  OH YEAH, that Joannie chick who promptly got George in the back yard with her . . . ya just have to watch her every second.
After a LONG day of traveling by all, which included flights that left two hours late [Kathy and Donna], and a delay in Las Vegas for Sheryl, Andria and Judith, everyone got here  . . . we visited for a bit and ended up at Applebee's for dinner . . . what where we originally planned, but it was late and the drive didn't seem worth it.
GREAT DINNER, many laughs.
Tomorrow night for our PRE-CRAP dinner we have 38 in a private room [THANK THE LORD] . . . said laughing HEMET WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.
I'm loving it.

2nd Report:
Fri, 13 May 2005 01:34:23 EDT (that's Thur, 12 May 2005 11:34"23 CRAP TIME!!)

 . . . as compared to our PRE-PRE [two days prior] dinner last night.  There were about 38 of us there in a private room. . . so lots of people arrived today, and many came by the house for some pre-setting up and just laughter.
JOANIE is after George BIG TIME.  SHE HAS NO SHAME.  It's so wonderful seeing everyone again and meeting new people.  I JUST LOVE THIS.  Lots of tired bodies, myself included.  Spending so quality time with the fur kids right now who have been orphans <giggle> the past two days . . . just too busy to spend any time with them other than here and there.
Vickie, I got Woody Wackstraw . . . way adorable.  LOVE HIM.  I'll keep him . . . application put in.  LOVE the teeth.
NO ONE got in trouble yet . . . maybe there is hope.  People coming over tomorrow about 11:00.  We have a super Italian dinner planned. 


The Party HAS ARRIVED!! Corinne and Mo on the plane
Bridget on the Plane (photo by Corinne)
More Bridget - hiding back there near the window

  Corinne's Tee-shirt says:


I wear a lot of different t shirts.. got this one special for crap.. and you know, I've never had any one shirt get such a universally cheerful response... everyone said OH, HAS IT.. and I'd answer  YOU BETCHA BABY... and we'd laugh... it was a blast...

Mo being ROWDY!! Sandy from Houston hiding beside her

Monika watching Mo being ROWDY!!
WHY IS IT.......

whenever i fly  thru atlanta .. my incoming plane is diametrically opposite the outgoing plane.. that is one big airport...thank god they have a train.

that being said.. here we gooo

ok on my flight from baltimore to atlanta.. i sit down.. some guy comes by says i 'm in his seat.. seems both of us have same seat assignment... thats ok, he's army..he got moved to first class... so did his very large buddy who was in the seat beside me.. so that ended up an empty seat.. had lots of room... they also moved a bunch of the army guys.. very nice they did that

we all got together outside delta 275..waiting... waiting..waiting..Cruz is a beauty - he has mismatched paws like Edy.. but his are more striking... one wheaton, one grey.

he was quite the gentleman... and quite the center of attention - of course i forgot to take his pic (sorry about any typos.. i'm laying across my bed - mo is still asleep.. but i wake up at 7am EDT.. where ever my bod is....

we get on the plane... NOW someone is in my seat... well, big mix up... folks actually m ade to LOOK at their tix... twerps.  get my seat.. dumbo ends up beside me.. she is decidedly unsure of how loud i am... and mo is immediately in front of me.. i whack mo on the head as a test... sandy across aisle with monika in front of her... bridget in semi isolation on wrong side of plane (must be cause i am over here...)
dumbo (i mean how hard is it to read a ticket ) is actually very nice and wants to sleep hhahahahahahahahaha

mo has remarkable window seat..... WITH NO WINDOW.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
(my window is intact)  nice lady who cant read ticket beside me asks if we want to trade once in air.. mo agrees.. ok, seee she wasnt so dumb after all...

take off is steep.. and reminds Sandy what zippers are for when the contents of her purse start rolling backwards down the plane... she steps on purse nothing went far - or it did and wasnt missed on plane.. monika told her to watch for them on landing and catch as they roll back....

we told Mo that if she really needed a smoke, she would have to step outside.. this became very tempting above nevada when the hours caught up to her.. she ended up breathing thru the cigarette pack.hahahahaha  (ok,s he did it for the laugh..but it was good)

on landing.. Cruz showed what a GOOD BOY he was and his opinion of CA (hahahaha) did i tell you his ears flop... and hes one cutie patootie...

i''m the driver of the rental car.. did you know that Bridget screams when you do high speed u turns.. mo laughs...  thats me, james bond school of driving... gas pedal is on the right... AND NOOOOOO bridget I promise you  ALL 4 WHEELS were on the ground.. trust me.... now where the hell am i going....

find the motel, see Beth and Jim outside.. Beth tells me she told them she had 2 dogs was told only one allowed ... so she said.. well Basil will be sleeping with corinne.. sheesh what a rep i have I DONT STEAL ALL THE DOGS.. (but I could...)
Sweet Beth was LYING.. she didnt give me Basil at all.. he has Frankies attitude.. i just love him...

hmm wonder if Frankie ever stopped whining for John....

ok we take bridget to her motel (see isolated once more.. she's with the Best Western gang.. not the Motel Sixers).... we are STARVING (ok, that could take forever.. but we ARE really really we stop at Denny's and get some appetizers and share.. such yummies)  Kathy Rudy and Carol join the fun.

went to danielles.. hung some quilts.. i was really overheating..will hunt target in am for shorts.. .maybe i should wear tube top.. no, probably not.. they make them so small.. and I'd need a spare for my gut.. hmmmmm

came back for dinner at Marie Calendars.. realized ate WAY too much at Dennys... so just had dessert..ok, and drinks.. my motel is in walking distance from there.. good thing... had a ball talking all nite..

got to the room and crashed..

Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 09:43:09 EDT

Check out Corinne's Photos AFTER she landed

                   Some Photos from Penny

Sharon's Phoebe (Penny's First Foster dog) - isn't she LOVELY!!
Thursday - Joanie & Mo at Maria Callander's
same place different faces

George, Joanie, Karen Pee (Parrott) & Mo
Joanie, Corinne & Mo
Friday - Rt 74 on way to Danielle's

Friday - on the way to Danielle's - snow in mt top in distance
Friday - on the way to Danielle's - view from Rt 74
Friday - on the way to Danielle's - same Rt different view

Friday - on the way to Danielle's: beautiful morning

Friday - on the way to Danielle's: close up view

                                              For more photos from Penny - click here
