Gus was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on November 29th, 2004

Treatment Protocol (POG 9905)

This Protocol description is cadged from the good people at the Pediatric Oncology Resource Center

Treatment Stages

Intensive continuation therapy
Continuation therapy

DONE! (June 28, 2007) Gus is Here

POG 9905

Phase III Randomized Study of Multidrug Delayed Intensification Therapy in Children With Newly Diagnosed Standard Risk Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.

Note: this outline was patched together from the NCI online protocol and input from parents of kids with ALL. It is summarized here for our convenience, so that we can quickly compare our protocols. We do not guarantee the accuracy of this outline - it is not an official document. You can contact your child's oncologist and ask for the complete protocol document if you are interested in the details of your child's protocol. clinical trials search form and search for 9905, ALL, open trials, phase III

Treatment for standard risk ALL, defined as presenting features of:


Protocol Outline

All patients receive induction therapy as per POG 9900. (weeks 1-4)

Induction (General Discussion)

3-drug induction (vinc, asp, dex) (please double check this outline on the COG or the site)

Consolidation (General Discussion)

After the 4-week induction:

For consolidation, patients are randomized to one of four treatment arms. Patients with t(1;19) are randomized to either arm III or arm IV.

Arm I: (weeks 5-24)

Arm II: (weeks 5-24)

Arm III: (weeks 5-32) -- Though initially slated for Arm I, Gus did Arm III of Consolidation at our request (it included a period of "Delayed Intensification")

Arm IV: (weeks 5-32)

Intensive continuation therapy (General Discussion)

At weeks 25-72 for arms I and II, and at weeks 33-80 for arms III (in Gus' case this spanned roughly from mid-July of 2005 to mid-July of 2006) and IV, patients receive intensive continuation therapy consisting of

Treatment repeats every 12 weeks for 4 courses.

Continuation therapy (General Discussion)

At weeks 73-130 for arms I and II, and at weeks 81-130 for arms III and IV, patients receive continuation therapy consisting of:

Patients are followed monthly for 1 year, every 2 months for 1 year, every 3 months for 1 year, every 6 months for 1 year, and then every 6-12 months for 1 year.

Projected Accrual

A total of 1014 patients will be accrued for this study over 3.22 years.

General Disclaimer : These pages are intended for informational purposes only and are not intended to render medical advice. The information provided on Ped Onc Resource Center should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or a disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you suspect your child has a health problem, you should consult your health care provider.