These are papers we will be reading and reviewing.

Week 1, September 4
First Class - get to know you meeting. We will read and discuss this short essay on communication of science. Click here to download
Week 2, September 11
Discussion of the publication and peer-review process and "how to" for reviewing papers. Read and be prepared to discuss these letters about the peer review process and come to class ready to argue for or against anonimity! (download PDF)
Week 3, September 18
Abstracts - for papers and for professional meetings
A. Read these two views of how what an abstract should contain and be ready to dicuss whether you agree or disagree with the authors.
The Abstract by Dr. Margaret Procter. download PDF
Down to Earth" Research Advice by Dr J. Mark Tippett. download PDF

B. Read the two abstracts below, one of which I prepared for the small meeting I attended in London and the other of which Lee Corbett (once a UVM MS student, back now with us for her doctorate) prepared for the 2010 GSA meeting in Denver. Come to class with a series of notes ready to discuss how these two abstracts differ and what information they were designed to communicate.
Using in situ cosmogenic 10Be to understand deglaciation timing and glacial erosion efficiency near Jakobshavn Icefjord, Western Greenland by Corbett et al. download .doc
Three decades tracing erosion and sediment with cosmogenic nuclides - where do we go next? by Bierman et al.. download PDF

C. Write an abstract (200 words or less!) about either the project you are working on now or a project you have done in the past. Bring 10 copies to class. We will read, compare and discuss these abstracts in class.
Week 4, MONDAY September 30
Please review Lee's NSF DDIG grant draft and offer your suggestions for improvement. Download the PDF by clicking here.
Review the program guide and see if Lee's proposal matches the requirements by clicking here
See all the rules for submitting your NSF proposal clicking here
Week 5, WEDNESDAY October 2
Please review Trevor's USGS Water Center grant draft and offer your suggestions. Download the .docx by clicking here.
Review the program RFP and see if Trevor's proposal matches the requirements by clicking here
Download the dear colleagues letter (.doc) that tells more about the grant clicking here
Week 6, WEDNESDAY October 9
Chenin Limback, Feeding Efficiency and Host Preference of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis, Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Adults on Stressed and Vigorous Green Ash Seedlings.
Download the .doc for the paper by clicking here .
Download the .doc for the figures and tables by clicking here.
Week 7, WEDNESDAY October 16
Sarah Pears (Impacts to forest recovery, biological legacies and biodiversity resulting from wind disturbance and salvage harvest in the Northern Forest) and poster review.
Download Sarah's proposal as a .docx file by clicking here .
Week 8, WEDNESDAY October 23
Sam Parker would like feedback on his proposal for a graduate research fellowship to NSF. Please read his 2012 proposal and reviews for context and then edit his 2013 proposal.

You can read about the NSF Graduate research fellowship program by clicking here .
Download Sam's 2012 proposal as a .docx file by clicking here .
Download reviews of Sam's 2012 proposal as a .pdf file by clicking here .
Download Sam's 2013 proposal as a .docx file by clicking here .
Week 9, WEDNESDAY October 30
NO CLASS, Paul at annual Geological Society of America meeting
Week 10, WEDNESDAY November 6
Luke Reusser
Please help Luke refine this paper for submission to Nature Geosciences.
You can do that by making sure it is broadly accessible and by making sure it follows the style laid out in the instructions to authors. Download Luke's short paper as a .docx file by clicking here .
Read (on their website) the Nature Geoscience guidelines for authors by clicking here .
Week 11, WED November 13
Jacob Menken
Jacob is looking for are ways to improve the narrative and the flow of the paper. He feels that the final sections of text, from page 6 onward to the acknowledgements, require more organization and could be clearer.
Download instructions for authors as a .pdf file by clicking here .
Download the paper draft as a .pdf file by clicking here .
Week 12, WED November 20
Alice and Thomas, progress reports
Download guide to progress reports as a .docx file by clicking here .
A note from Alice to reviewers - What you are receiving is the first draft of my progress report, which serves as an intermediate stage to the completion of my master's thesis. Please read to see if I am meeting the intent of the progress report as explained in the instructions provided, and whether the document flows overall. I also welcome specific comments on word choice and convention, but would especially benefit from your thoughts on whether I'm conveying the big picture of my work so far.

Download Alice's progress report as a .docx file by clicking here .

Download Tom's progress report as a .docx file by clicking here .
Week 13, WED November 27
NO CLASS, Thanksgiving
Week 14, WED December 4
Cookie swap, Mitchel Jones
Mitch asks that we focus on the development and logical flow of the story he tells.
Download Mitch's intro as a .docx file by clicking here .