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Spider silk genes
juvenile with preySpider silk proteins and their genes are very attractive to scientists because they link together many levels of organization. The structure of the silk thread is determined in part by the sequence of amino acids in the protein, which in turn is encoded in the DNA of the spider.  Working up, the structure of the thread determines its physical properties (how stiff or stretchy it is and how much weight it can carry).  Threads of different proteins are put together to make the complex structure of the orb web, with each part of the web made from distinct kinds of silk.  The structure and physical properties of the web together with its location in the habitat determine what kinds of insects it will trap.

I've only touched briefly in my own work on the genetics of silk: I hoped to be able to use the silk gene that encodes the spiral thread to detect how often spiders migrate among populations in Mexico.  This is very challenging work, and I enlisted the help of Sheryl White, an expert in working with DNA and proteins. 

in this picture, a juvenile wraps a butterfly after biting it.
flag protein sequenceNo one had, at that time, attempted to look at genetic variation in a silk gene.  We sequenced one end of the very large FLAG gene (for Flagelleform, the gland producing the spiral silk).

Nearly every animal has two copies of each gene - one from the father and one from the mother.  The two copies may be identical, or they may be slightly different.  Most key genes are nearly identical among individuals simply because they are important.  In this case, we found that most of the spiders had two different copies - their mom and dad had passed on to them distinct versions of the gene.

Unfortunately, this amount of variation - while in itself very interesting (it suggests that natural selection is not very strong in this trait) - means that these genes are not useful for studying migration patterns.

This figure presents the amino acid sequence coded by the genes sequenced in this study and two GenBank sequences from Florida. The first letter refer to the site of collection (FF:  Fortin de las Flores;  LT:  Los Tuxtlas;  Nan:  Nanciyaga;  Mat:  Mateos de Romero;  Xal:  Xalapa), the first number refers to the individual specimen, and the number after the dash is the sequence identifier for that individual (when two sequences are presented, they are separate alleles for a heterozygous individual).

The different repeat motifs are identified by the following symbols, where G symbolizes glycine, P proline, and X or Y a variety of amino acids.
large oval: XGPGG; 
medium oval: XGGY; 
small oval: XGG; 
box:  low glycine (non-repetitive) spacer. 

A colored oval or a bar in the spacer indicates an amino acid substitution.  The nature of the substitution is indicated by the color.

Grey: same group; 
Purple:  exchange of glycine and long chain residue; 
Blue: exchange of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residue; 
Green:  exchange of aromatic and straight chain residue; 
Yellow: addition or deletion of cysteine; 
Red: addition or deletion of proline.

Further reading:
 Cheryl Hayashi is a leading expert in silk gene evolution
Todd Blackledge works on the biomechanics of silk and webs

Publication:  L. Higgins, S. White, J. Nunez Farfan and J. Vargas.  2006.  Patterns of variation among distinct alleles of the Flag silk gene from Nephila clavipes.  International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 40: 201-216