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K.. L. Nalibow

I. Use time efficiently.
· Determine when you are most efficient.
· Utilize as much spare time during the day as possible.
· Employ reinforcement learning techniques when you work. It is not only the time you spend
    but how efficient you are WHEN YOU WORK.

II. Question generation - the key.

· Employ as many senses as possible to test yourself on the material you don't know.
· Anything you cannot quickly reproduce, you may not know.
· Concentrate on information you have not completely learned. Do not fool yourself by
    constantly examining what you already know.

III. Learn to be a competent listener
·Learn to tune in on what you are doing so that you can tune out distractions.

IV. Pre prepare all courses.
· Pre read material for all courses. If you haven't time to read something thoroughly - skim it.
    Order all material into critical and non critical data. (Know the important from the
    Go to class prepared so that you can truly listen instead of trying to transcribe every word.
· Avoid mindlessly completing homework assignments for math, science, language. Learn the  
          material you have been assigned before going to class so that class time becomes
         reinforcement for what you know rather than becoming a frustrating attempt to
         understand what is going on.

V. Learn from your mistakes.
· Use quizzes, exams, papers to learn where you are weak. Every piece of graded work with
    a low score can help you spot where your learning is incomplete. If you cannot identify
    where you need to work on your own, ask the professor.  And if a weakness in your
    approach is identifiable, strive to improve that area.

VI. Organization is a good quality.
· Do not procrastinate. Work to your own schedule but be sure you have one! When you let
        a course go and do poorly, you come to dislike everything about the course. School itself
        can seem boring, depressing. Do well and you will find excitement in the learning process.
        Discipline yourself to work consistently. --Make time for athletics and social relaxation
        but to the exclusion of academic work. (Engaging in leisure time activities IS important.)

VII.  Assigned work
· If you know that you will not complete graded, assigned work by the date it is due, contact
        the professor in advance and request an extension.  Failure to do this my cause you to fail
        the paper/project.  Most people will give you an extension.  Some will not.

VIII. Use campus resources to good avail.
· Realize that we all need to talk out problems.  Find someone – a school chum, residence hall
         advisor with whom you can openly converse. Good mental health helps you immeasurably.
· If you read very slowly, you may have a reading problem and find that you are swamped by
         assigned work.  To undertake quality university level work, reading skills need to be an
         optimum level. Many students have reading problems. You may be one of them. An
         encompass professional can help you increase reading speed and understanding.
· Learn about the resources available at UVM. Counseling Center, Learning Co-Ops, Reading
          Centers - all can truly help you BUT do not attempt to rectify a lifelong problem as the last
         three weeks of term is upon you!

Late Term Addendum

Considerable recent class cutting and handing in of late work without an official extension, today caused me to bring the following to your attention.  In my course and perhaps in other courses, failure to attend class and failure to pass in assigned work when it is due may result in grade penalty where you have not made contact for an extension.  As adults, it is YOUR responsibility to contact faculty to request an extension when work will be late.  I have always granted such extensions, but will down grade any item submitted past the due date without a request for late submission.  This is effective today with the Stalin paper.

Additionally, be aware that 20 percent of your grade is based on classroom attendance and participation.  The spread sheet is designed so that without that presence and participation, even "A" writing will result in a course grade of "B" or lower.  This is NOT negotiable.  Failure to fulfill ALL course responsibilities cannot produce a final grade of "A."