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                                         Global and Regional  Studies 91 -
day's Russia

The term project shall be a research paper (submitted as such but also presented orally for a second grade).  The paper shall include:  an annotated bibliography and footnotes (not page references within the text as we have done for other papers in this course).

How to write footnotes and bibliographies, using the MLA
(Modern Langauge Association) style sheet.

The web site below contains information on footnes AND bibliographies.


An annotated bibliography is an alphabetical list of books or articles for which you have added explanatory or critical notes.
The annotation is usually written in a paragraph, about 150 words, in which you briefly describe the book or article cited, then
add an evaluation and a critical comment of your own.  (An annotated bibliography differs from an abstract which is simply a summary
of a piece of writing of about 150-250 words without critical evaluation.)

For our purposes, the annotation may be considerably less than the 150 word statement listed above.  The annotation is absolutely crucial to
a listing of web stes.  Web  URL's (Universal Resource Locators) rarely transmit anything about the content of the web site itself!

Footnote or Endnote example:

     2 G. Wayne Miller, King of Hearts: The True Story

of the Maverick Who Pioneered Open Heart Surgery

(New York: Times, 2000) 245.

Footnote or Endnotes produce the author name as we use it in everyday speech - first name, second name (=surname).     A citation page number is used here but omitted in the bibliography.

Bibliography example:

Miller, G. Wayne. King of Hearts: The True Story of the

Maverick Who Pioneered Open Heart Surgery. New York:

Times, 2000.

Bibliographies produce the author name in reverse - surname, first name.