39-53 Manhattan Drive, Photo by Louis McAllister in 1945

Coordinates: 18T 0641219 UTM 4927672

This McAllister photo appeared in the 1945 Burlington Annual Report, with the caption under the photo reading: “North Bend Street Asphalt Pavement Project. - This view was taken from the intersection of Washington Street looking easterly. Note the old surface treated gravel pavement on the right half of this 26-foot pavement and the new 4-inch asphalt penetration crushed stone base being constructed on the left hand side bringing the surface of the base to the level of the old surface.”[1] In the foreground, a group of children stand watching the stream roller. In the distance, a cluster of adults seems to be watching the larger work truck. Beyond the work, large bushes border the ravine, and tall power lines tower over the houses. The photo clearly shows 39 and 43-45 Manhattan Drive.

 39 North Bend first appeared on the Sanborn map in 1906.[2] Its original address was no. 53, due to the fact the North Bend originally started where Washington Street is today. When it was first constructed, the house was one and a half stories with a porch that ran entire length of the south side of the house. By the time the McAllister photo was taken in 1945, the house had grown, by enveloping the exterior porch into interior living space, and had added a sun porch to the front of the house.

 43-45 North Bend was originally given the address of 57. It was first inhabited by George Francis who was a listed as laborer in Burlington City Directory in 1894.[3] When it appeared in the 1906 Sanborn map, it was a single unit, two and a half story structure with a two-story bay window and (2) balconies. When the McAllister photo was taken in 1945, the building has officially become two residences with one entrance on the front, and one in the back.

1. Eightieth Report of the City of Burlington, Vermont (Burlington: Free Press Printing, 1945), 164.

2. Sanborn Map, 1906. Special Collections, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont.

3. Burlington City Directory Including Winooski & South Burlington (Burlington: L.P. Waite & Co., 1894).

39-53 Manhattan Drive, Photo by Julie Weisgerber in 2005


The houses and streetscape have changed slightly. The grassy area in the foreground is now part of a driveway. The house on the corner has now been made a two-story residence. There is now a street sign, and stop sign. Also the bushes have now been replaced with a fence. 43-45 Manhattan Drive has seen some changes. It has been covered in siding, and the windows on the fist floor have been altered. In the McAllister view, the windows were lined up in a bank below the balcony, as if suggesting a sun porch. In the 2005 photo, there are only (2) equally spaced windows. In addition, the turned spindles and posts of the front balcony have been replaced.

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Produced by University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program graduate students
in HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in collaboration with UVM Landscape Change Program
Historic images courtesy of Louis L. McAllister Photograph Collection University of Vermont Library Special Collections