Colchester Ave toward Mansfield Ave- McAllister Photo July 1933

McAllister photographed this corner on July 12, 1933 as the road heads towards Mansfield Avenue.  It shows the completed road construction with a smooth driving surface and curbs.  A vast lawn to the south of Colchester Avenue leads the eye to Robert Hull Fleming Museum, which was constructed in 1931.  It is apart of the University of Vermont’s campus serving as an art museum.  In the distance beyond the museum are the electrical buildings for the University and the Mansard roof of Torrey Hall.  The avenue is lined with large American elm trees as well as clusters of other trees and evergreens.  Utility poles and wires also line the avenue on both sides.  The north side of the avenue, as it curves, has fencing separating a lawn from the sidewalk.  Three automobiles are parked on both sides of the avenue.







Colchester Ave toward Mansfield Ave – K. Smith, Nov. 2005

The photo taken in November 2005 shows a streetscape bustling with activity.  The vast lawn still leads to Robert Hull Fleming Museum, however evergreens and other trees hinder the view of other buildings.  The absence of the large American elm trees allows the viewing of the roof and steeple of the Ira Allen Chapel.  Signage marking the entrance of Fletcher Allen Hospital is present as well as traffic lights.  Signage on the north side of the avenue at the curve gives direction to the University of Vermont campus.  Four pedestrians are walking on the south sidewalk.  Modern vehicles are very present and dominate the scene.





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Historic Burlington Project
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Produced by University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program graduate students
in HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in collaboration with UVM Landscape Change Program
Historic images courtesy of Louis L. McAllister Photograph Collection University of Vermont Library Special Collections