In 1940, almost ten years after the consturction on North Street, Louis McAllister would take a photograph of the Solomon Block that provides a clear view of the wooden commercial structure and captures the atmosphere of the thriving businesses that made North Street there home. Here we see the detail of the brackets above the storefront and a French door leading from the second floor dentist office of Raymond Lavallee. [1]   The Star Restaurant occupies the corner business at 202 North Street and J. Omer Durivage operates the barbershop next door. 196 North Street is occupied by the Grand Union grocery store.  Its sign reveals that it was founded in 1872.  Morris Mazel continues to operate his store in the brick building next door, though has changed his sign since the earlier McAllister photographs. [2]

            In this image we also get a narrow glimpse of 188 North Street.  This two-story Queen Anne style wooden framed structure with projecting bay window running to the second floor is clad in shingles and clapboards.  Its style and materials indicate that it was built in the later part of the 19th century. 

            In front of the Silver Restaurant there is evidence of the street work completed in the years before as shown by the cast iron street post with in elegant swan neck armature, from which suspends an eight-sided electric lamp.  Sixty  other “ornamental” posts and lamps were installed along North Street during the public works projects of 1930 and can be seen in other images from the McAllister collection. [3]


[1] Burlington City Directory, 1940 (Burlington: H. A. Manning Co.).

[2] Burlington City Directory, 1940 (Burlington: H. A. Manning Co.).

[3] Burlington City Annual Report. 1930, p 36.

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Historic Burlington Project
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Produced by University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program graduate students
in HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in collaboration with UVM Landscape Change Program
Historic images courtesy of Louis L. McAllister Photograph Collection University of Vermont Library Special Collections