History 287: Historiography Fall 2004

R 2:00-4:45 Wheeler 101

Professor Boǧaç (Bo-ach) Ergene 313 Wheeler House Tel: 656 4474 E-mail: Bogac.Ergene@uvm.edu

Office hours: MW 2:30 - 3:30, R 10:00 - 12:00, and by appointment

Course Description:

This is a course on the history of modern (nineteenth- and twentieth-century) historical writing, with particular attention to conceptual theories, research methods, and problems of historical investigation. Topics that we will deal with in this course include the emergence of historical scholarship as a professional endeavor, recent directions in historical research, modern theories of history, and the role of the historian as intellectual.
Prerequisite Junior, senior or graduate standing; 12 hours of history.

Course Requirements:

Attendance and Participation This is a seminar. Regular attendance and student participation in class discussions are essential for the success of this course. Students are expected to complete reading assignments before class meetings and come to class prepared to discuss the material. Informed participation in class discussions will constitute a major part of your final grade. Every Thursday (by 12:00 am) you must e-mail or deliver to me a list of three issues or questions that you would like to raise in class discussions. These lists will be helpful in the calculation of your participation grades. You may choose not to submit the questions on a maximum of two times in the semester. Every week one member of the class will be responsible for introducing the readings to the class and initiating the discussion. This too will factor in your participation grade.

Book Reviews. Everyone will be expected to write two book reviews during the semester. Students will choose the books from those texts assigned for meetings scheduled after September 30. The reviews should be four to five pages long and double-spaced. They should be turned in before the class meetings in which these books will be discussed. Note that you may not review a book that you are planning to introduce to the class. A book review should provide a brief summary of the main themes and arguments found in your book of choice and also give the student's opinion of its strengths and weaknesses.

Term Paper. Each student will prepare a bibliographical essay of about 12 to 15 pages, critically reviewing the literature on a particular historiographical topic relevant to the course. A brief (1-2 pages) prospectus of the essay is due in class on October 21. A first draft of the essay should be completed and presented to me by November 18. The final draft is due on December 16. Late papers will be penalized one letter grade for each day that it is late. Work that is a week late will not be accepted. Exceptions to this policy will be made only in dire circumstances (e.g., serious illness, death in the fan*, which must be documented.

In last two weeks of the semester students will present their projects and will benefit from the criticisms of their classmates. For a more informed discussion of their projects, they have to make copies of their drafts available for their classmates (preferably a week before their presentations).


Attendance and Participation (including participation in class discussions, lists of questions, formal presentations, etc.):
Book Reviews (2):
Term Paper Presentation:
Term Paper (including draft evaluation):

Assigned Books (Available for Purchase at the University Bookstore):

Peter Burke, History and Social Theory (Cornell University Press, 1993)
Peter Burke, The French Historical Revolution (Stanford University Press, 1990)
Vinayak Chaturverdi (ed.), Mapping Subaltern Studies and the Postcolonial (Verso Books, 2000) RG. Collingwood, The Idea of History (Oxford Press, 1994)
Alfred Crosby, Ecological Imperialism (Cambridge University Press, 2003)
Michel Foucault, Madness and Cizilization (Vintage, 1988)
Bent Flyvbjerg, Making Social Science Matter: Why Social Inquiry Fails and How It Can Succeed Again (Cambridge University Press, 2001)
Edward Said, Orientalism (Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1979)
Joan Scott, Gender and the Politics of History (Columbia University Press, 1999)
Jennifer Webb, Jen Webb, Tony Schirato, Geoff Danaher, Understanding Foucault (SAGE Publications, 2000)

Bent Flyvbjerg, "Habermas and Foucault: Thinkers for Civil Society?" The British Journal of Sociology 49:2 (1998), 210-233.
Robert Forster, "Achievements of the Annales School," The Journal of Economic History 38:1 (1978), 58-76.
William A. Green, "Periodizing World History," History and Theory, 34:2 (1995), 99-111.
William H. McNeill, "The Changing Shape of World History," History and Theory 34:2 (1995),8-26.
Patricia O'Brien, "Michel Foucault's History of Culture" in Lynn Hunt (ed), The New Cultural History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), 25-46.
Philip Pomper, "World History and Its Critics," History and Theory, 34:2 (1995), 1-7.
Gyan Prakash, "Orientalism Now," History and Theory, 34:3 (1995), 199-212.
Stephen K. White, "Foucault's Challenge to Critical Theory," The American Political Science Review 80:2. (1986), 419-432.

Note: This syllabus is subject to change with sufficient notice if need be.

Course Schedule

Theoretical Introduction:

September 2 - Introduction to the course

September 9 - History and Theory 1:

Reading Assignment

Collingwood, The Idea of History (Introduction, Parts I, II, III, and skim Part IV)

September 16 - History and Theory II:

Reading Assignment:

Collingwood, The Idea of History (Part V)

September 23 - History and Theory III:

Reading Assignment:

Burke, History and Social Theory (entire)

Varieties of History I:

September 30 - Annales:

Reading Assignment:

Burke, The French Historical Revolution (entire) Forster, "Achievements of the Annales School."

October 7 - World History:

Reading Assignment:

Pomper, "World History and Its Critics."

McNeill, "The Changing Shape of World History Green, "Periodizing World History."

Crosby, E cological Imperialism (entire)

The Foucault Phenomenon:

October 14 - Introduction to Foucault:

Reading Assignment:

Webb, Webb, Schirato, and Danaher, Understanding Foucault (entire) O'Brien, "Michel Foucault's History of Culture."

October 21 - Foucault in His Own Words:

Reading Assignment:

Foucault, Madness and Civilization (entire)

White, "Foucault's Challenge to Critical Theory."

Essay Prospectus Due!

October 28 - History and Social Sciences: Foucault contra Habermas:

Reading Assignment:

Flyvbjerg, "Habermas and Foucault." Flyvbjerg, Making Social Science Matter (entire).

Varieties of History II:

November 4 - Gender History

Reading Assignment:

Scott, Gender and the Politics of History (entire)

November 11- Case Against Orientalism:

Reading Assignment:

Said, Orientalism (entire). Prakash, "Orientalism Now."

November 18 - The Subaltern School:

Reading Assignment:

Chaturverdi, Mapping Subaltern Studies and the Postcolonial (introduction, clips. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8-12,14,15)

First Draft Due!

Concluding the Course: November 25 - Thanksgiving Recess

December 2 - Individual Presentations

(Optional: December 9 - Individual Presentations) December 16 - Final Paper Due!