Jacob Watkins

Spring 2011


         I did my internship hours primarily with Allan Bullis of Efficiency Innovations. What this internship entailed was going door to door to encourage people to get a free energy audit done on their house. When they chose to get an audit done, we would go in and conduct a free audit and suggest retrofits that would help conserve energy and save them money. We also started a non profit organization called Common Sense Energy, which included tabling and efforts to get the word out about our organization and to encourage people to make smarter energy decisions.

         I also did several of my hours for Doug Bagwill of Pfister Energy. Doug is a senior at the University of Vermont and one of my brothers of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity. We worked this semester to make improvements on our house. This included several energy audits, as well as insulation work in the basement. The insulation was primarily foam insulation around windows, and a foam door that we built to keep cold air from coming in from outside.


Allan Bullis, CEM, LEED AP


Efficiency Innovations, LLC
